Teacher of Decision


Decide and you will see the teacher is passing through to help you see more than you ever imagined could be.

Kerri Elizabeth

What happens when you decide?

When you decide, something comes alive.

When you decide, energy is free to move.

When you decide, everything gets in tune.

Do you ever take a risk if you never decide?

Be courageous and let go of the old lines.

Find a new language and decide.

Decide you will come alive.

Stress is a place where bending is an interpretation of what you face.

Stress can be a recovery place.

Stress is where strength is sneaking up on you.

Instead of stress living within you, invite it to pass by you.

Instead of stress choosing the weight you lift, let it be the lift that you decide to choose.

Stress is a teacher educating you.

You are the student that decides, to study and graduate or continue to be held back through.

Thank you to the teacher that taught me to lift,

and to decide I was worth it.

Sunshine in the classroom of my interpretation of stress.

This is my graduation gift!

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