Look Outside


Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it-

Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. 



Open the door to possibility, it’s right outside

Where the suns radiance warms your core

While raining tears fall from heaven down your cheeks

Where each blade of grass has a dalliance with the sky

And trees reach their limbs as if they had eyes

It’s possible its right there

Open the door

Look and see



17 thoughts on “Look Outside

    • Oh my goodness..thank you so much fkr this and I just read through your questions and answers what a pleasure to meet you more personally..I am honored, its my second (holy moly huge thanks to be a part of such joy)award this week, I’ll do my best to honor both in a timely manner with the rules above and answers as well..this community has been amazing…thank you again

    • Thank you Sally I’d love to share with your readers..Thank you so so much..im honored to be apart of so many wonderful people here..this is my third award since yesterday and im so appreciative..now to answer in a timely manner…and learn more about myself, actually to rememeber lol thank you and I love all the smorgasbord you have..im trying to get all my things into one area too..your amazing..thank you and cant wait to share..

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