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Lover of LIFE!

My name is Kerri-Elizabeth, I am an inspired soul writer, waterfall whisperer, lake lusting mermaid ( I love to swim in all weather) a nature wanderer and photographer. I am a wife and a mother of 3 adult daughters and one son and five grandchildren.  I was raised in the mountains in the fresh air and rivers to play in, woods to walk in and silence I never appreciated until I became an adult.

I have been a fitness and nutrition proffessional for more than 35 years as well as a success coach, skin specialist (esthetician) , Reiki practicioner, photographer , author and artist. Creative expression is where I heal and find solutions.

I am intuitively prompted and find the SOUL reason to help guide healthier decisions and goals in areas that often get missed in the wellness field.

First and foremost , being heard is the key, when we have a safe place to share thoughts and emotions we allow a flow to move through what holds us back and or create something wonderful from them.

My biggest challenge and most blessed strength building moments came from times I had no control and had to make a choice to breathe and surrender.

On July 30th, 2017 I had to say goodbye to the physical form of my only son and surrender and breathe an opening for a new kind of relationship.

This ripped me and every wound in my life wide open. With determination and a fierce love for nature, I knew that was where I would find my answers.

I was lead to close my eyes and invite my soul to speak. This is where my Sunshine (who I call my soul’s name) comes from. She is where my complete truth and unfiltered thoughts come in, the deeper and most courageous part of me, you might say.

What I found in all my years of helping and guiding others in total health was that the innermost sacred thoughts are most often never heard by anyone except you, leaving spaces choked up and unable to filter through where healing and creativity need to flow to grow.

One of the most beneficial parts of continuing to grow is continuing to move in the best way you can and eating what honors your body to serve the best possible energy to your physical and mental structure.

One of the most asked questions over the years always has to do with a point of resistance, where an injury or inability to recognize proper functional form stops the process.

This is where I came in, my intuition and years of functional studying and thinking outside the box, gathering information into my clients over time created an interesting puzzle.

I implemented more functional movement and flexibility and restricted them from weights until the body moved properly to handle those weights. This created resistance, emotionally and the wanting it, “NOW” was a challenge.

This lead me into success coaching, I like to call it (heart listener). Emotional distress, anger, tears, and even fears would often be released during a work out, sometimes leaving clients talking through things their entire session.

The body doesn’t always move at the same pace as the mind. This is a dance learned not given. Instinct and an ability to hear your body is the most important lesson I strive to align daily.  Long before body and mind were talked about I was teaching it in gyms and to my students in PE classes.

I remember teaching this and people thinking I had lost my mind teaching them to listen to their bodies and how to be in alignment with it. Now it’s mainstream information.

Here is my referral for the absolute best education and workouts from home:

I highly recommend DR Jen and here is her perfect introduction and explanation I love so much…
“My name is Jen Esquer, DPT, PT. As a physical therapist, I value a person as a whole. You are NOT your diagnosis. You are NOT your MRI. Most importantly, you are UNIQUE. 

Your diagnosis of pain or injury might sound the same as another, but unless they have the exact same job, enjoy the exact same activities/hobbies, have the same life stressors, and have walked through life just like you… your true CAUSE of pain will be different.”

Check out her website at, she offers courses like The Mobility Method, The Optimal Body, and Grateful for Mobility Challenge.

AND drum roll for my most followed, my favorite all-inclusive health network ( first learned of Food Matters when I was taking a life (success coaching course) I have been hooked ever since 2010. This by far is my go to, I have been referring people here for many years and it has been a staple for me. ENJOY and let me know how you like it and what your favorite part is?

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