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Weekly Addition #6

Health yourself to heal yourself!

~Kerri Elizabeth~

We don’t need a reason to heal our bodies, your body is always working for you to restore and rejuvenate itself. Just like anything else you can resist or persist in the process, you can throw caution to the wind or offer in gratitude to your body what it deserves to do its absolute best.

It’s up to you.
I have many friends voice to me, “What a bummer, you can’t drink or eat normal food.”
Normal food?

I’m going to get real raw here with my thoughts on this.
Well, I can, if I want to set myself back and hurt the very system that allows me to enjoy your company. Are you going to take care of me after I eat that and I’m sick, will you bring me something healthy and sit with me while I recover? Will you enjoy watching me suffer?
How does this make sense?
What if I said,” its a bummer I can’t see you in pain and suffering and I wish I could choose food for you that will sabotage your health and peace of mind and hold you back from all your desires.

Does that make sense?
You see after eating and drinking out, everyone goes separate ways, complains for a week how they need to recover and says, “why do we do that to ourselves, was it worth it?”
What if you experienced going out and feeling amazing before, during and after and your body was rejuvenated instead of disabled.
How about we go to a place I can eat and you see how blissful it is to eat healthy, feel healthy, wake up just as blissful as today, if not more after you eat? How about you drink what I drink and feel relaxed and mindful and it’s nutritiously healing rather than depletes you?

I can say to you the same things,” what a bummer you can’t drink and eat normal food” and be significantly accurate since normal food doesn’t make you feel sick and give you hangovers. Normal, real, authentic food, cleans, cleanses, heals, rejuvenates and empowers you in every good way.
I choose this way of life, because the damage to my system, all of it, doesn’t even slightly balance with the few minutes of (others opinions of bliss) to my tongue, or the short-term buzz from alcohol that distracts me from what is really important in my life.

I can get a life buzz and a gratitude buzz with what nature intended my body to run on.

I am not exempt from escaping into less than optimal options like tequila a few times in my life, trust me when my child died that’s all I wanted to do and I did it for two weeks almost. It never turned out better the next time.

What I found out was that I just prolonged the healing and accepting the process of what I ultimately had to face. I caused great pains and a gigantic backslide to my health in mind, body, and spirit. I suffered more from that than if I would have just allowed myself to feel and flow.

I knew it at the time too, I chose differently and I paid mighty for it. Escaping my emotions and feelings was not at all what I was doing, what I was doing was adding more emotions, shame, guilt, hurt, pain, recovery, and trauma to my plate. I ate perfectly still, so that helped and I had a firm spiritual foundation I could rely on. I also had my son near me in a more powerful way than ever before and he had my back. (story to come next week.)
I have also experienced plenty of foods that set me back and I allowed myself to feel obligated to make others happy by eating for their entertainment and to please others that prepared their favorites in their kitchens with love.
At this place in my life, I realize we give the love we know and the love we have the capacity to receive in return.

However, it is in the saying no, it is in the standing in your own truth and deciding what is best for you, where you both grow.
Your body is the vessel, that takes you where you want to go. Why put gasoline in the human tank when you know the proper nutrition is what makes it run?
I have never been one of those trainers and nutritionists that offered a cost to you and then taught you what I know and watched you sabotage yourself. I know this game, I did it enough times to myself. I was familiar with how I got there and what it took to get out. So when I charge people money to get in shape and change their lives and help guide them in finding a solution to the self-sabotage, it is a partnership of love to bridge the gaps.

My goal has always been to help you in the stuck points and they usually have nothing to do with nutrition, nutrition is the easy part, it’s the facing your fears and doubts that feeds you. There is always more to why you want sugar, alcohol or make statements like, “you only live once, so why not?”

This statement brings tears flowing down my face and soaking the shirt I’m wearing as I write this. My heart has been wrapped in nutrition my entire life, for so many reasons, I was born and chosen to help others find their healthiest self and I was one of them. I know first hand the inner struggle to get here.

I know what its like to be in a less than healthy relationship with people and food, I know what its like to lose a loved one and I know what its like to feel lonely, less than enough, exhausted and frustrated to the core of your being. I know what its like to love someone that’s suffering and you can’t do a damn thing about it. I know what its like to be divorced and I know what its like to lose everything you ever worked for in a day because just giving it all up is better for your health than the fight to keep it. It’s stuff that can be replaced. I know what its like to have a child die and another be so addicted to drugs she loses herself and her own child in the process. I know what it’s like to feel guilt and endure abuse and blame. I know what its like to die and see the other side and come back for another round. I know what its like to love someone so hard you have to let go. I know what its like to lose yourself in the process of it all.

After a lifetime of opportunities to show up as my best, I can tell you that the higher vibration the food the higher the vibration of life.

This means when you live your core values no matter what the circumstances are, that you are determined to be a light to yourself and the world through your own significant love and gratitude for you, shit shifts like crazy.

The very peace you were born with surfaces, you smile even when it hurts because you know it will be ok. You cry without worrying anyone will tell you to wipe those tears and move on. You flow through the pains and discomforts and not back for another round when you choose, you. You breathe when you used to freeze. You rest when you used to push so hard you would exhaust yourself to please everyone else. You hear your body speak to you about what it desires, instead of grabbing in reactive selfish need. Your one again with your mind, body, and soul.

You arrive at the place you once abandoned yourself and a reunion of forgiveness and love is made.

Without you, you can’t make a difference to anyone.

The love you give yourself radiates equal love to the entire world. It shifts energy, gratitude, love, healing and in the grand scheme of life, it literally shifts the world.

Do you think that what you do doesn’t make a difference to the world? Think again, every thought and every shift you make shifts everything.
I have experienced more than my share of trauma in my life and how we all deal with that is different of course.

The one thing that is not different, is that our bodies need the best we can give it to have the best success is recovering.
You can have all you have ever wanted to eat in a modified delicious version, it takes time and tweaking sometimes ( just like the rest of life’s decisions) but with all the information out their today, there is no excuse for not loving your mind, body, and spirit the way it was meant to be loved.
Some starters:

  1. Change one meal a day to a modified whole foods meal.
  2. Treat yourself to a new healthier version of your favorite food.
  3. Create a new and chemical free version of something for your skin or hair.
  4. Fit in 10 mins. of exercise every day even if its 1 min. 10 times a day.
  5. Move off your chair every 20 minutes and stretch and walk.
  6. Drink water all day at least twice a week and do away with sugary drinks as a reward (a reward is not sugar, it is forgoing sugar).
  7. Stop and breathe deep in place of a stressful thought.
  8. Meditate in place of mindless snacking.
  9. Try going out with friends and drinking water instead of alcohol and watch the difference in how you communicate, and the actual changes that occur in behaviors you never noticed, even by having just one drink.
  10. Say no when it means your own health and happiness is at risk to please another.

Here are some of my favorites:

Wonderful recipes for your skin:

Healthier versions of blissful enjoyment to look and feel radiant.

Movement matters!

Your diagnosis of pain or injury might sound the same as another, but unless they have the exact same job, enjoy the exact same activities/hobbies, have the same life stressors, and have walked through life just like you… your true CAUSE of pain will be different.”

Check out her website at, she offers courses like The Mobility Method, The Optimal Body, and Grateful for Mobility Challenge.

Every person who chooses a plan from DocJenfit and has a desire to change their health also receives a free 30 min. health session with me, just contact me with proof of your commitment and let’s get moving.

For every referral, you send to me that signs up for 5 health sessions, you will receive one for free.


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