Natures Seduction

In nature the solution is always waiting for your attention.

~Kerri Elizabeth~

The seduction of mother nature
Overflowing in emotions
Unraveling in storms
Challenging foundations
Fires reshaping hills
Floods restructuring bridges and roads
Earth whispers and stillness is surrendered
Rebuild me
Change is inevitable



It is in your heart you will know immediately and then doubt will shake your ground, doubt is not a language of the heart.

~Kerri Elizabeth~

The sky in the lake
Tells a story on the one year anniversary of my sons departure to the heavens

July 30th, 2018

The Subconscious treasures of emotions and knowledge waiting to be set free
Unlocked and transformed into eternity
Reflection is presence “Momma”, my boy whispers, “when you feel loss, look into the water”
Travel deeper into the reflection and engage in the emotion as an adventure
Swim through the colors and the emotions with wonder
Let it shake you inside like thunder
Drop your tears into my hands
Its holds the reflection
You’ll see is ALWAYS me

It will set you free


Quote #3 Embrace



Fall in place and embrace your hearts pace!

~Kerri Elizabeth~

3-day quote challenge

First, let me explain the rules:

Thank the person who nominated you.

Post a quote for 3 days and explain why it appeals to you.

Nominate 3 new bloggers each day

Thank you so much  

I’m finally getting the third one out, no one said it had to be 3 consecutive days, right?

WOW, last week went so fast, sorry for missing my weekly addition as well, I’ll do my best to get it out this week, so many amazing days and changes and so much joy and sunshine. I hope everyone is doing super fantastic. Busy summer days have arrived!

This week I pick this quote,”Fall in place and embrace your hearts pace”, for this simple reason, you have to fall into place, embrace your space, your pace and flow. When you go out of flow nothing happens except a backup of pressure and stress and nothing good is expressed.

Lean into the embracing space of your pace

Listen to your own heartbeat

Like a breeze of gentleness

Create a healthy pace of appreciation 

It takes Love to love

It takes frustration to share burdens

It takes anger to share complaints

It takes shame to share the blame

It takes guilt to remain insane


Love flows, it gives, it lifts, it builds

It flows, it receives, it knows

Love embraces you in a beautiful space of respected pace



Breathe into the pace your heart is asking for. Pushing yourself in some things is wonderful, however, if you are missing the beauty, the love, the healing, the breathing, the body movement that keeps you in a flow of health and happiness then your missing YOU.

I remember all too well the many years I didn’t respect my own pace. You can’t heal in this space, you don’t grow, you just change, you start to resent everything and nothing all at the same time because you cant see or feel your own emotions, while you’re trying to keep up with everything and everyone except you. YOU are the most important part of the Y O U, embrace your pace!

3 new nominees:


Weekly Addition #6

Health yourself to heal yourself!

~Kerri Elizabeth~

We don’t need a reason to heal our bodies, your body is always working for you to restore and rejuvenate itself. Just like anything else you can resist or persist in the process, you can throw caution to the wind or offer in gratitude to your body what it deserves to do its absolute best.

It’s up to you.
I have many friends voice to me, “What a bummer, you can’t drink or eat normal food.”
Normal food?

I’m going to get real raw here with my thoughts on this.
Well, I can, if I want to set myself back and hurt the very system that allows me to enjoy your company. Are you going to take care of me after I eat that and I’m sick, will you bring me something healthy and sit with me while I recover? Will you enjoy watching me suffer?
How does this make sense?
What if I said,” its a bummer I can’t see you in pain and suffering and I wish I could choose food for you that will sabotage your health and peace of mind and hold you back from all your desires.

Does that make sense?
You see after eating and drinking out, everyone goes separate ways, complains for a week how they need to recover and says, “why do we do that to ourselves, was it worth it?”
What if you experienced going out and feeling amazing before, during and after and your body was rejuvenated instead of disabled.
How about we go to a place I can eat and you see how blissful it is to eat healthy, feel healthy, wake up just as blissful as today, if not more after you eat? How about you drink what I drink and feel relaxed and mindful and it’s nutritiously healing rather than depletes you?

I can say to you the same things,” what a bummer you can’t drink and eat normal food” and be significantly accurate since normal food doesn’t make you feel sick and give you hangovers. Normal, real, authentic food, cleans, cleanses, heals, rejuvenates and empowers you in every good way.
I choose this way of life, because the damage to my system, all of it, doesn’t even slightly balance with the few minutes of (others opinions of bliss) to my tongue, or the short-term buzz from alcohol that distracts me from what is really important in my life.

I can get a life buzz and a gratitude buzz with what nature intended my body to run on.

I am not exempt from escaping into less than optimal options like tequila a few times in my life, trust me when my child died that’s all I wanted to do and I did it for two weeks almost. It never turned out better the next time.

What I found out was that I just prolonged the healing and accepting the process of what I ultimately had to face. I caused great pains and a gigantic backslide to my health in mind, body, and spirit. I suffered more from that than if I would have just allowed myself to feel and flow.

I knew it at the time too, I chose differently and I paid mighty for it. Escaping my emotions and feelings was not at all what I was doing, what I was doing was adding more emotions, shame, guilt, hurt, pain, recovery, and trauma to my plate. I ate perfectly still, so that helped and I had a firm spiritual foundation I could rely on. I also had my son near me in a more powerful way than ever before and he had my back. (story to come next week.)
I have also experienced plenty of foods that set me back and I allowed myself to feel obligated to make others happy by eating for their entertainment and to please others that prepared their favorites in their kitchens with love.
At this place in my life, I realize we give the love we know and the love we have the capacity to receive in return.

However, it is in the saying no, it is in the standing in your own truth and deciding what is best for you, where you both grow.
Your body is the vessel, that takes you where you want to go. Why put gasoline in the human tank when you know the proper nutrition is what makes it run?
I have never been one of those trainers and nutritionists that offered a cost to you and then taught you what I know and watched you sabotage yourself. I know this game, I did it enough times to myself. I was familiar with how I got there and what it took to get out. So when I charge people money to get in shape and change their lives and help guide them in finding a solution to the self-sabotage, it is a partnership of love to bridge the gaps.

My goal has always been to help you in the stuck points and they usually have nothing to do with nutrition, nutrition is the easy part, it’s the facing your fears and doubts that feeds you. There is always more to why you want sugar, alcohol or make statements like, “you only live once, so why not?”

This statement brings tears flowing down my face and soaking the shirt I’m wearing as I write this. My heart has been wrapped in nutrition my entire life, for so many reasons, I was born and chosen to help others find their healthiest self and I was one of them. I know first hand the inner struggle to get here.

I know what its like to be in a less than healthy relationship with people and food, I know what its like to lose a loved one and I know what its like to feel lonely, less than enough, exhausted and frustrated to the core of your being. I know what its like to love someone that’s suffering and you can’t do a damn thing about it. I know what its like to be divorced and I know what its like to lose everything you ever worked for in a day because just giving it all up is better for your health than the fight to keep it. It’s stuff that can be replaced. I know what its like to have a child die and another be so addicted to drugs she loses herself and her own child in the process. I know what it’s like to feel guilt and endure abuse and blame. I know what its like to die and see the other side and come back for another round. I know what its like to love someone so hard you have to let go. I know what its like to lose yourself in the process of it all.

After a lifetime of opportunities to show up as my best, I can tell you that the higher vibration the food the higher the vibration of life.

This means when you live your core values no matter what the circumstances are, that you are determined to be a light to yourself and the world through your own significant love and gratitude for you, shit shifts like crazy.

The very peace you were born with surfaces, you smile even when it hurts because you know it will be ok. You cry without worrying anyone will tell you to wipe those tears and move on. You flow through the pains and discomforts and not back for another round when you choose, you. You breathe when you used to freeze. You rest when you used to push so hard you would exhaust yourself to please everyone else. You hear your body speak to you about what it desires, instead of grabbing in reactive selfish need. Your one again with your mind, body, and soul.

You arrive at the place you once abandoned yourself and a reunion of forgiveness and love is made.

Without you, you can’t make a difference to anyone.

The love you give yourself radiates equal love to the entire world. It shifts energy, gratitude, love, healing and in the grand scheme of life, it literally shifts the world.

Do you think that what you do doesn’t make a difference to the world? Think again, every thought and every shift you make shifts everything.
I have experienced more than my share of trauma in my life and how we all deal with that is different of course.

The one thing that is not different, is that our bodies need the best we can give it to have the best success is recovering.
You can have all you have ever wanted to eat in a modified delicious version, it takes time and tweaking sometimes ( just like the rest of life’s decisions) but with all the information out their today, there is no excuse for not loving your mind, body, and spirit the way it was meant to be loved.
Some starters:

  1. Change one meal a day to a modified whole foods meal.
  2. Treat yourself to a new healthier version of your favorite food.
  3. Create a new and chemical free version of something for your skin or hair.
  4. Fit in 10 mins. of exercise every day even if its 1 min. 10 times a day.
  5. Move off your chair every 20 minutes and stretch and walk.
  6. Drink water all day at least twice a week and do away with sugary drinks as a reward (a reward is not sugar, it is forgoing sugar).
  7. Stop and breathe deep in place of a stressful thought.
  8. Meditate in place of mindless snacking.
  9. Try going out with friends and drinking water instead of alcohol and watch the difference in how you communicate, and the actual changes that occur in behaviors you never noticed, even by having just one drink.
  10. Say no when it means your own health and happiness is at risk to please another.

Here are some of my favorites:

Wonderful recipes for your skin:

Healthier versions of blissful enjoyment to look and feel radiant.

Movement matters!

Your diagnosis of pain or injury might sound the same as another, but unless they have the exact same job, enjoy the exact same activities/hobbies, have the same life stressors, and have walked through life just like you… your true CAUSE of pain will be different.”

Check out her website at, she offers courses like The Mobility Method, The Optimal Body, and Grateful for Mobility Challenge.

Every person who chooses a plan from DocJenfit and has a desire to change their health also receives a free 30 min. health session with me, just contact me with proof of your commitment and let’s get moving.

For every referral, you send to me that signs up for 5 health sessions, you will receive one for free.


Weekly Addition #5


 Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.

~Brene Brown~

  How do you show up for yourself daily?

Healing from anything takes times and kindness to self. I’m about to spill some serious information and things I have done this last 8 months healing from the loss of my 24-year-old son, who left this earth without any lack of suffering from Leukemia.


I never could have imagined in my wildest nightmares what losing a child could do to you. Brene Brown wrote that amazing quote and it’s perfect, it requires a full reorientation of just about every detail of life.

In reorienting, (I’m definitely still in the process), I consider myself to be farther at this stage than expected, for some very important reasons.

I stopped allowing other people to tell me, when, how, or what I was supposed to feel like and I took off on a road trip for 40 days and nights and intended on being inspired and I was that times a million.

It’s not the decision everyone would make. I felt like if I didn’t do something drastic and push myself I wasn’t going to get up at all one day.

The trip had emotional challenges that whooped my ever loving ass and Zak arrived in a fighter jet to confirm I was going to make it as if he planned it all. He knew when, how and the exact moment to show up and it wasn’t with anything less than IMPACT.

Being so vulnerable and so disoriented meant remote quiet areas were a must and just diving into Mother Earth’s beauty was critical, she reflected back to me the beauty I had forgotten in myself and opened creative spaces that had slammed shut.


The disorientation started for me the day I found out Zak had 95% cancer in his body 5 years ago and in a day all our lives were changed. Nothing was the same, NOT one thing. It was like I entered a new world and the rest was left behind.

Fast forward to the last 8 months……I  knew specific nutrition to get through the trauma I experienced. Be conscious of what you’re going through and evaluate the changes you need to get the best results.

Food Matters Recipes has some amazing recipes and information that will blow your mind, don’t tiptoe – dive in and explore the beauty of transforming your food into giving your body what it deserves.

Here are some Food Matters interviews on the subjects of healthy bodies and minds, dedicate some time to health education.

Gift yourself continual stretching and functional movement,  invest in yourself.



 Allow your body the opportunity to do its best for you.  I am dedicated to this without fail and it has given me back ten-fold,, she offers courses like The Mobility Method, The Optimal Body, and Grateful for Mobility Challenge. I do all of these but pick one and just commit to 10 mins a day! 


I’m sharing this because, through trauma and stressful situations, this is something you can control. I know with all my heart that if I didn’t do these things my health would be suffering greatly.

Thank your body daily for all it does for you!

You won’t escape stress, heartache and a few hard knocks, at least I don’t know anyone that has. I suppose its possible, but what a  bummer to not experience pain, how would you ever appreciate joy?


Part of my life passion is to help as many people as I can into movement. Movement your face if you cant move anything else and start from the head down.



One of my other favorites you can do anywhere, anytime and since I have been doing this I have grown leaps and bounds, is the Tapping Solution,  I watched this documentary on The Tapping Solution, and it changed everything for me.


Releasing the less-than-positive self-chatter first is key to your healing forward. This might surprise you. I’m NOT a law of attraction fanatic, I’m an earth loving, soul driven, nature-inspired lover, of life and if anyone can make a rainbow from tears it’s me. However, in order to attract the positive, you must heal the negative, acknowledge it, face the truth and release it to make room for all you want to attract.


Are you walking around covering your own self-shitty talk with a mask of denial? Face it as your truth and then love yourself unconditionally forward. It’s acceptance and freedom to be empowered right where you are so you can attract what you want and have room for it to arrive.


Don’t let anyone tell you, “just be positive” when you don’t feel that way, we already know that part, its common sense. Having it in your face is simply the same as putting your hand up in front of someone’s face and telling them you’re not interested in their truth or authenticity, but if they put on a mask to please you, they will be fine.

Who is this fine for?

Be you in all your beautiful forms, sad, mad, angry, blissful, joyful, blessed, excited, fearful, tenacious, tender, grateful, generous and so much more. These are emotions, have them, embrace them, nurture their evolution of changing, rearranging and creating new spaces for growth.

Here’s another amazing enlighting experience for free This gave me a wonderful foundation and confirmation of my strengths and weaknesses I was born with and how to work better with my personality type. I’m a manifester, one of 9% of people, this is just a small part of the genetic and energetic make up you will get to know in your chart, to help you create the best success for yourself and it’s fun and interesting.


It must all flow to grow!



Weekly Addition #3


Nutrition for this weeks Addition:

This is such a deep subject and one of my favorites. I have been creating healthier versions of everything you can imagine for years now. If you want something, there is never a need to be deprived of it in a healthier version.

Oh, I can hear the vibes already, nothing is as good as the original?

I have loved challenging that idea.

The part I always wonder is, what about how you feel after?

Is that as good as the original too?

I’m one of those over the top, you might say, health nuts, I eat mostly raw with some exceptions now and then and they are usually a version of health you wouldn’t call an exception on normal terms.

I have eaten in doses the opposite way, such as donuts, cookies with massive sugar, cotton candy, you name it. I have tried it all and for many years I was a closet eater. After a fully organic, homemade cooking day for family, I would eat a pan of brownies, ding dongs I hid in the freezer and other things, you get the hint.

I have been overweight, I know the struggle well, this is me and my youngest daughter whos 22 now and I thought she would appreciate an updated version as well.

While I ate my feelings away when no one else was looking, I’d run on the treadmill at the same time, while my 4 kids were sleeping. It helped to keep up with my fit, healthy reputation ( I thought), and hopefully, no one would ever know.

As you can see, that was impossible to hide. I can write for days on this mess I created for myself, that was before I understood the treadmill does, go backward, in many areas.

My first take on nutrition was our family health food restaurant when I was in 3-6th grade, or so, my mom might correct that, but that’s my memory. As a kid it was a blessing and a curse, everyone wanted my food and I wanted theirs. Trades went on and I was able to have my share of other foods through friends and family. I wasn’t deprived in any way, healthy options or not. I had the best of all worlds with a diversity of people in my life.

This was one of my best gifts I had growing up, was to have such diversity and choice, it taught me by experience what direction I wanted to choose for me and my family. I have always been active that was never an issue, it was committing to my own nutrition, a no-brainer most of the time. The struggle was very real between 8 pm-midnight I confess, for years. I thankfully let all that go and changed a lot of lives along the way and would love to help you.

Over my years of training the number one problem and questions, always lean on nutrition.

My favorite and most looked at and followed site is Food Matters, . When I took a life coaching course in 2010 this was the first thing we were introduced to and I have been hooked and grown with them since. It’s my most shared space and I am happy to say I have joined forces with them to share more.

This nutrition story goes deep for me and it includes my son’s 5-year Leukemia journey, as well as my digestive struggle and removal of all of my large intestine (except 4 inches). How I healed with no medications and in the healthiest way possible. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s, Celiacs and Ulcerative Colitis and all signs of this are not currently found. I will share both of our stories in their own weekly addition soon.

Every penny earned when you go to join Food Matters through me will be turned back into teaching about the awareness of nutrition in cooking classes and other educational avenues, in my son Zak’s honor.

Before he left and grew a full set of wings and roared into the heavens in a fighter jet,( I am now convinced of), he made me promise to continue to live my life to the fullest and to keep sharing health and I will.

Another subject to be covered, my journey in grief and nutrition. If there is ever a time to do your best, this is it. There is no answer to grieving and it’s definitely a fingerprint to each person, but to be diligent in your nutrition is imperative in a crisis.

I appreciate you all and whether you join or not, thank you in advance for looking into it as a step toward better health.

My favorite morning drink is chocolate tea with steamed and foaming almond milk and then a shot of detox juice.

I have two favorites:

Fresh ginger and turmeric, 1/2 of a lemon and a green apple.

Or, two stocks celery, 1 green apple, 1 lime and 3 leaves of kale. I had this one today, mmm.. goes right to your cells and gives you a good morning boost.


Add these to your morning routine and changes will start to happen.

A favorite Raw foods quick recipe my clients love and never get enough of are my Rah-Raw bars.

Almond or Seed bars:FB_IMG_1407360797505

Equal parts of all things except double the nut or seed butter

Almond butter or seed butter, any kind you like.

Cacao Nibs

Cacao powder( 1 tbs. for each cup size portions of other ingredients)

Dates ( blend into a paste)

chia seeds

Sesame seeds

Shredded organic coconut(optional to roll in or add to the whole recipe)

Raw honey (optional for sweet tooths)

(coffee drinkers, this is amazing with coffee finely ground in it or rolled in it, also optional and delicious if you want spice, is a little Cayenne pepper)

If you don’t want the crunch, blend ingredients one at a time in a Vita-mix or high powered mixer, then mix together in a bowl and Roll into balls or create flat squares by rolling along a cookie sheet on wax paper and freeze to cut … Keep them in the freezer, they stay fresh and easy to eat after a couple minutes of being out.

These ingredients can take you a long way and are the core of a lot of wonderful recipes for healthy bars and cookies I’ll be sharing along the way until I have a page dedicated to it all. This is where my computer learning curb comes in, choosing a new theme and moving all of this around.( patience is definitely not natural for me, hence my meditation and simplicity desires.)

These bars are awesome quick snacks to satisfy hunger and stay healthy and keep blood sugars level on track in between meals.

Warning: don’t eat the coffee ones late if you’re sensitive to caffeine keeping you awake.

I am currently on day 5 of a 7 day cleanse… I am a regular cleanser, this is literally the key I have found to my own energy changes and restarting my system, I do a lot of different ones, this is the one I am currently doing. 

Have fun and explore new nutritional ideas you can add to your household. Don’t stress about it just add or subtract one thing, it makes a difference.

And keep moving…… with Dr. Jen touching on the most important facets of functional movement and flexibility and you can do it in 10 mins. Check out her website at, she offers courses like The Mobility Method, The Optimal Body, and Grateful for Mobility Challenge.











Weekly Addition


Step outside your box, you won’t fall into the sky of infinite possibilities, you’ll just simply and beautiful be infinite in possibilities.

~Kerri Elizabeth~



Hello, all my beautiful and amazing friends,


First, I want to start off with a HUGE thank you for your support, your comments, and desire to help one another succeed by sharing. I love this community and the desires to help one another grow.

Weekly, I will be sharing people, ideas, sites and things I have implemented along the way to help me heal and grow. Please feel free to add your site with your intention and purpose for others to grow and let this be a wonderful opportunity for us all.

I have so much to share, spreading it out weekly will be an opportunity to practice my own discernment, and not giving away all my energy at once. My nature is to be excited and share it all, then take a nap. (P.S. and feeling guilty for the nap and resting)

How many of you can resonate with that?

That was me before I fell on my face a few thousand times of exhaustion, I was causing myself. I could start a nap club now and be excited about it. It’s a “HELL YES” for a nap. “Do it and love it,” and anyone that creates an attitude from you resting needs to rest themselves, guaranteed.

In the process of learning to own, share and protect my energy and even encapsulate it at times, and more so for you, empaths and “Super Trait Empaths” as I am,  (Christine Northrup M.D.)  will be a solid place to learn.


A few helpful shares you can implement right away:

1. If you’re frustrated, mad, disappointed and unable to create calmness inside, text yourself everything you want to shout out to someone else. You must get this out as fast as possible before it festers in your cells and causes anxiety and sickness, not to mention exhaustion and confusion. Title the note and spill your guts, don’t hold back any cuss words or thoughts. (make sure you’re texting yourself and not someone else, they have different results, trust me on this one).

         The energy you are dispersing starts to flow and let go and you don’t give your power away to someone else. This allows you space to shift without interference and choose a response from an empowering place.

2. When you want to spill all your gratitude, love and apologies to someone that has you spinning to apologize to them for something they did, text it to yourself and then read it, it’s for you not the other person. Trust your inner voice, when to apologize and share your love and gratitude to others and be aware and awake to thieves looking for your beautiful energy.( Christine Northrup M.D.’s, “Dodging energy vampires”.)

3. When your heart is pounding and your head is spinning in a million directions, you’re not dancing on a solid foundation. STOP! Take 10 deep breaths and visualize your feet having roots that connect to the core of the earth keeping you grounded, “YES 10”, you’re worth it.

This will allow your heart and mind to harmonize and dance again with soul intent.

This  free app has tons of meditations and a community and groups of support

A few of my favorites also have individual sites you can look into:

Judy Unger,

Sarah Blondin,


Stretch your body and mind EVERY SINGLE DAY! When you stretch your body you stretch your mind and when you stretch your mind your body will give you more.

I do these every single day, sometimes numerous times a day!

Oxygen flows were restrictions let go.

~Kerri Elizabeth~

I hope this offers some ideas to help inner restrictions let go and to start to allow flow.

Stay tuned for so much more!



Student of Life

May your heart and soul dance together and know the exact time to let go and when to go slow and when surrender is all you need to know!

~ Kerri Elizabeth~

We’re all going to the same place

Heaven is ahead

We all came from the same place

The past is the life we lead

What we have now in this moment is where we’ve been lead

By the journey behind you

And the courage to move ahead

The decision that’s left

Is will you take action next

That last moment is already gone

You have now

Let the stitches of sorrow rip away

And let living your best be in everyday


Beautiful Soul

The heart and soul will find their place, wounds will heal where sorrow once was in that space!

~Kerri Elizabeth~

The vines know their route

Beauty added to the view they surround

Tangled only to perception shaken around

Reaching for the stars never tied or bound

Shooting stars represent core freedom found

Investigating the inner sounds

The sight

The light

The vibrations in the ground

The breathing and pulse of every tree standing proud

Others fallen with a purpose to lay down

Solidity exists firmly untethered by a slippery slope

Polarity is the sun ray’s reflection of hope

Rain divinely drops clearing the fog over illusions

Trusting in the strength put into the making of your own braided twine

Made from the heart and soul when aligned

In a flash blinded but harnessed in alignment.
