Complexity and Truth Rival


Complexity will show up as a blueprint defining you and your direction, truth will show up and unravel complexity!

~Kerri Elizabeth~

Truth escapes complexity

Uncovered, unmasked and unhidden

Meaningfulness demands authority

Consolidate emotions and thoughts deliberatly

Undefined by rejection, opinion or judgement

Truth and complexity will rival for mindset

Arrival and appearance are never delayed

Truth escapes complexity

When love has unconditional longevity


One of many lessons that have impacted how I see, feel and live my life. Love must have unconditional longevity to escape complexity. Where there are boundaries , conditions live, rejection and judgement reside and live inside.
Having the rules and boundaries defined and written for your family, career or marriage certificate does not exempt your life from complexity. It is the lack of courage to live in our deepest truths and thoughts, afraid we will be rejected, abandoned or fired that create so many rules we leave no room for growth.

I have heard it all, rules are meant to keep you on track, to add order, stability, protection and define a life you can follow like a dot to dot. Don’t go outside the lines or consequences and punishments will be handed out. Sure we learn from this, sure I believe we need it all to learn. However, the consequence resides already inside, the punishment goes hand in hand with the action.

It is in the awareness in the process of making your own mistakes and having an opportunity to grow naturally rather than forcefully and loved unconditionally that gives us inspiration to continue to grow.
It is not in the order or rules, boundaries and confines of ourselves or others ideas engineered in a dot to dot lifestyle that interest me.

It is in the awakening of our own consciousness and deliberate willingness to brave the elements and hear beyond it all that interests me.

The rest is a road map or a blueprint leading us all to the same place. Some of us are leaders and others followers, some manifest and some facilitate, some cry, some laugh, some process then react, some react then process, some support you and some will will transport you…..Some follow rules, some break rules, all have a purpose and all present change and all offer knowledge.

Do you believe in unconditional?

Do you think you live and love unconditional?

What are your thoughts on this?




Un-done-ness provides an opportunity and continuation to grow, an inevitable ever changing and re-arranging!

~Kerri Elizabeth~


Healing occurs in the un-done-ness

Nothing is done where healing and growth continues

Fire and winds

Inevitable change within

Detours arranged

Subconscious awaits


Whispering below the surface

Change me and rearrange me

Scatter emotional ashes like dandelion wishes in the wind

Transform weaknesses into strengths


Where epiphanies await



Un-done-ness is life, no matter what we figure out, where do we start and do we finish? It is all the foundation of a place you continue to grow. It is all you know, all you experience all that un-done-ness….. the beginning with no end… a continuation to evolve from every situation.

It is inevitable to change, we experience and learn from the changes or miss the opportunities it gave us in the deciding “I’ll never change, I am who I am and I’ll never change for anyone”.

It isn’t for anyone, its for everyone, we share this earthly place!

It is the resistance or control we hold (not to change)….. a resistance to inspiration we may not be able to reach or hold, a lack of worthiness inside us that holds us hostage from bravery and courage to be more than we are today.

Take a look at the world and what moves you. Being uncomfortable allows us to learn things we never would and always choosing where we think we most thrive limits our opportunities to grow.

Thriving doesn’t just happen where we feel bliss, it exists in the unknown or continuation (actually more so), in the un-done-ness, the stage to dance and the opportunity to be more than we are today, to add new steps with familiar steps and create more. Turn the music on and sing, dance and connect to the changes that re arrange us!

“NOT”, changing for anyone means YOU too!





Refinement Through Exploration


Awareness and conscious exploration travels within, it is a courageous choice to tap in!

~Kerri Elizabeth~


Uncharted territory sends invitations

Accept or decline

Conscious exploration is divine

Lessons will be designed and refined

Accepted or declined

Arrival on the other side offers new views and insights

Accept or decline the offer to explore each trip another time

Accepting to move through the exploration with conscious courage

Choice arrives every time

Chart the journey to the view on the other side

Decline exploration without consciousness

Define the experience

Refine knowledge

Travel safely and courageouly exploring the view

Uncharted territory invites you

Awareness is available

Accept or decline



I realize as I have explored my inner self, my conscious behaviors and unconscious habits that awareness is always ready and available to be tapped into when you first accept and not decline that you truly have the power to be one with the divine.

This is not something you have to search for, it is an acceptance then a walk forward into uncharted territory to allow the new view to create a new perspective. Walk with the awareness you are brave and you are able, you are worthy and you are strong. It is only in our vulnerability and our willingness to allow and accept less from ourselves, that we never see the full frame view.

Let all negative belief be challenged to grow-up and grow into positive perspectives and let the judgements and expectations pour out into transformation. These emotions of negativity that hold you back can rarely be erased, they must be challenged, journeyed and refined, edges must be sanded down and you will find the diamond you are inside.






Drizzled Color

Grow forth from your roots and reach for the stars, nothing in-between can  tatter or scar the core of who you are!

~Kerri Elizabeth~


Bloom into the love you were meant for
Open and color will drizzle a painting upon your heart
Petals one by one come alive in the sun
Grounded and synced with earths love
Grow and reach from the soil to the stars
Extensions of leaves will balance beliefs
Roots will hold you tight
Cheering as you take flight
The sky is within reach
Stretch to the sun 🌞



I learned this last few years , grounded does not mean where you live, who your with or why your there. To me it showed me grounded meant the willingness to connect. Connection to the core and roots of who I am, grounded means to listen to your heart, your soul, your body when it says it hurts or its cold, feels unloved or needs to be held. Connection to what you feel, the emotion that rushes through you and says,” I want attention, I need you, I want to love you and be here for you”, will you listen?

Grounded means the ability to connect to your core truths, hear your intuitions and follow them, leave doubt behind and follow the heart , the pain, the migraine, the body pains, what is it telling you?

It is there FOR YOU, it’s your own private novel of truths about how YOU as an individual work. It is your manual everyone says they wish they had. YOU DO, ITS YOU!

Tease Movement


Align with the breeze, fill your lungs and release, repeat and sway with the trees, tease movement and flow with ease.

~Kerri Elizabeth~


Sunshine through the trees

Pine needles aroma catching a ride in the breeze

Birds sing a melody syncing with the sway of the trees

Nature’s movements erupt in excitement creating sound

Water trickling with rhythm all around

Branches crackling with hints of Fall found

The grass is rigid from the suns rays

Coolness of the air filtering cells and clearing all that dwells

Blue skies above gift you wonder of the stories it tells

No limits in the sky

The universe knows every why

A release into a peaceful purity

A sigh

Nothing interfering



Dare to BE and then Dance


When your children are free to be, to dance and see, to be creative in their energy space, then we too are free and we all resonate on a higher vibration plain. 

~Kerri Elizabeth~

Love and grace weave into your energy space

Whispering currents of encouragement tantalizing your soul

Creation already knows

Reflections become whole

Blue skies don’t fall

Your part of it all

A masterpeice is not created by day

Perseverance tiptoes all the way

Continual loving persuasion of self