Site icon Sunshine

Angel in the Wind

#sunshine #kerrissunshine20180203_123248

 Releasing “when”, “how”, “then”, “should of”, “would of”, into “flow with ease”, then there is room to experience “NOW”.

~Kerri Elizabeth~

Anchored by cloth from limb to limb

Angel settled before me in the wind

Instrumentals playing and branches crackling

Snuggled in, sunshine surrounding and warming me within

Birds soaring and diving without worry catching the drafts of the breeze

Seeking their meals and gliding in on a whim

Capturing nature’s freshness

Rest is on the shore

Wings spread open with appreciation for the warmth of the sun

Resting with trust and ease

A blue heron sits by my side listening intently to the music I provide

A magical moment with a kitten in the tree above me, a heron beside me, instrumentals opening the skies and always giving me the love of (my son) Zaks’ eyes!


Always with me, the beauty of my son’s soul, energetically connected, soul loved, heartfelt and mind remembering every laugh, smile, giggle and moment here on earth.

Thank you for your birth, for the love you continue to give and the direction you give and the light you send. Forever my heart and soul laughing and playing in the wonders of all you show me.

I love you and miss your physical presence so much, but I’m learning as I let go of the missing, you have more room to be present. Thank you for teaching me how to meet you where you are.


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