Site icon Sunshine

A Field of Forever


Fall into a field of eternal optimism and saturate your soul with courage.

~Kerri Elizabeth~

Capturing the essence of beauty

Strength in the bend and sway created by a slight breeze

Colors of pure sunlight with a drop of earthly wonder create a center

Curiosity to grow manifests existence and courage, reaching for the sky unwavering

A seedling miraculously flourishing as a flower

A flower encompassing the essence of possibilities

Fueling possibility, inspiring optimism

Access infinite evolution

Offer only the presence of your light

Allow the tears to interpret without judgement

And your heart to hear your purpose

Get lost in a field of forever

Plow out the judgments of whys and hows

And water the freedom to love and change

Love is without time and space with a flowing of nothing

Erased and everything at the universe’s pace.


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