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Refinement Through Exploration


Awareness and conscious exploration travels within, it is a courageous choice to tap in!

~Kerri Elizabeth~


Uncharted territory sends invitations

Accept or decline

Conscious exploration is divine

Lessons will be designed and refined

Accepted or declined

Arrival on the other side offers new views and insights

Accept or decline the offer to explore each trip another time

Accepting to move through the exploration with conscious courage

Choice arrives every time

Chart the journey to the view on the other side

Decline exploration without consciousness

Define the experience

Refine knowledge

Travel safely and courageouly exploring the view

Uncharted territory invites you

Awareness is available

Accept or decline



I realize as I have explored my inner self, my conscious behaviors and unconscious habits that awareness is always ready and available to be tapped into when you first accept and not decline that you truly have the power to be one with the divine.

This is not something you have to search for, it is an acceptance then a walk forward into uncharted territory to allow the new view to create a new perspective. Walk with the awareness you are brave and you are able, you are worthy and you are strong. It is only in our vulnerability and our willingness to allow and accept less from ourselves, that we never see the full frame view.

Let all negative belief be challenged to grow-up and grow into positive perspectives and let the judgements and expectations pour out into transformation. These emotions of negativity that hold you back can rarely be erased, they must be challenged, journeyed and refined, edges must be sanded down and you will find the diamond you are inside.






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