Adventurous Belonging


            Adventure inspires desire!
                        Kerri Elizabeth

Adventure of my heart.
My heart calls ,my body goes.
My mind processes , my body responds.
My thoughts are within me, my body carries me.
The excitement  draws me, my body follows with me.
Life  lures me, my body preserves me.
Love blooms continually inside of me, my body sets the sound of the vibration found.
My legs take a step at a time into the distance, my body keeps up the strength and works through resistance.
My soul continues to open , my body is never broken.
My appreciation runs deep, my body is always gratefully complete.
My internal miracle of systematic mechanical movement works together, I accept it to be delivered.
My intension is my desire and longs to be continually inspired, I will continue to aspire.
My heart beats with intense passion, my body is learning more compassion.
My acceptance of who I am gives my body a safe place to hold me again.
My instinctual guidance leads me, my body believes in me.
My spiritual foundation and belief in God My Father never forsakes me, my body is always healed and the glory of his presence overtakes me.
Love every part of you inside and out,  you were born to be free a spirit without doubt.
Let love in and breathe love again, trust in the process so love can continually  bloom from within.

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