Beautiful and Wonderfully Made


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When we are able to sit in the pain and in the muck of life, there is where we see what were made of!


To give honor and respect to another

Honor and respect must first flow through you

To build a secure foundation for oneself inside

Requires tenacity and determination

To love oneself through the highest and lowest of times

Requires oneself to experience love

Love is continually gained and lost before we understand its significance

Even then there is an unknowing

An unknowing opens up vulnerability

To stand in the muck of life and be vulnerable 

Is where we gain our best self

It is where we find what we’re made of

Where we get to see where we paid attention

Where we have gone and what we took with us

Shows up



I realized after I lost my 24 year old son two years ago now, that pain really is inevitable, it happens to everyone and can happen without warning. We can be in our most vulnerable place inside and something happens and splits you wide open. You weren’t ready, you weren’t prepared and the honest truth is NOTHING could prepare you.

So then what? It is there where everything in our lives that we either let go of or held on to, shows up. Every lesson and every heartache is remembered and the wounds are fresh again. However in that moment where the heart remembers the pain it also remembers the healing and how you gave that attention or not.

If you didn’t put the work in and ignored it and allowed it to heal shut without acknowledging and entering into it, it will continue to walk you through it until you do, and then it will challenge you to make sure you learned. Its inevitable!

The lesson from something profound and often something so small can trigger all the same emotions. It is simply when you can feel the chaos of the moment and stand in it with freedom you are not in the chaos of this experience anymore. Reflect on the familiarity of being here before and what was learned and how honor and love are applied

I searched for you and me

She dared herself to live with courage and found courage in living!

I searched for you and me

I looked high and low, in front and behind every tree

I glanced off the cliffs below

I searched long and hard, did you know

In the clouds and in the lakes

I searched rivers and mountains with no breaks

I called for you and no one replied

I cried for you inside

I drove miles and miles looking for a glimpse to pull aside

I longed for you and knew you longed for me

To find you was beyond my reach

I was looking for you 

Missing every queue

I looked for the depth of what I should be

Who someone else wanted to see

I lost sight of my own dreams

I thought I was lost where I once was found

Then one day courage stood its ground

Vulnerability spoke with a fierce sound

Wherever you go, there you will be

I’m you and me

~Kerri Elizabeth

When we experience life, life is also experiencing us, I believe. When we go farther and faster and search for ourselves instead of the experiences that creates our selves ,we miss the queues that it is ourselves we are escaping.

When we run from ourselves, we run from our faith, our beliefs, our dreams and our core foundation. When we deny our own existence is not enough because of someone else’s opinion or judgement, then we deny our ability to grow, to serve, to lead, to inspire, to be driven, to reach, to grasp courage with all your might and LIVE beyond limitations set by ourselves or others.

We become stuck within another or others lives and deny our own growth waiting for another growth. The best gift you can give yourself and another is the freedom to be loved at the exact place you are so they have room to move forward. This is courageous!


Inquire Within

Trust is developed from how you inquire from within!


Dare to live with a curious inquiring from within
Believe in something you’ve never known
Trust in your heart with out questioning the mind
How many petals do you need to land on “love me” to believe it
Renew your spirit and polish your curves
Surround yourself in natures lights
And rest into the darkness of the glowing night


Trust is not broken from another action, unless we define it that way.  Once someone wrongs us, we stay within that action and own it and live it, losing trust and limiting our love for life and our ability to connect with others.

If we hold that wrong, we then continue to give power to the wrong and the person we feel that did it. In the process of healing I found there also has to be a letting go of distrust and caution to a point you are limiting your own life.

Live with freedom and send back any bad energy to the person dealing it. The minute you decide to give yourself permission to interact within a negative space you take that energy on as your own.

Sender wins and the loss of trust is now building from within.

If it’s being delivered negatively it’s not yours, breathe and physically move your arms in a way that you can mentally, emotionally and physically remove and send it back to sender.

DONE, move out of their energy space, build trust within yourself, this is where defense is dropped. When we respond in defense we have already lost, defense is guilt, a place within we lost trust.

Believe in something you never have…… example might be believing that 10 deep breathes before you respond will save you a rollercoaster of reactions.


Arrive Within Your SHADOW

It is within our deepest prayers we arrive within our own shadow!

Dear ones, are you aware of the shadow that follows you

Are you prepared for life to crack you open

And shine the brightest light beams past the surface

In our deepest prayers we ask for strength

We ask for connection

Infinite love

We ask for healing

For our dreams to land into the shape of our imaginations

We believe mountains can be moved

That thunder rumbles from the heavens

That love is everlasting and passion pulses within us

Are you prepared to be broken open

To be molded and mended a new

To be aware of the shadow that follows you

You must experience your presence within it


When I was in my early 20s I remember praying for God to have me experience whatever I needed to , in order to be helpful to others. I always wanted to be a good listener, that took me years to realize I wasn’t as good as I thought I was. My kids told me that. I listened for countless hours to their stories and moments and spent late nights up with them listening to their days.

Then one day I asked my son what he would change about me, something I had the power to change, not something I already did I couldn’t go back and fix. He answered this,” I wish you would listen first without a response and without a reaction and make me wait to come back and debate the point after you processed it.” He wanted to be able to debate NOW, not later, to be heard fully without my own processing, because to him that meant he wasn’t heard and I was gearing up for a reaction.

That wasn’t my take on it, however I changed that as fast as I could and learned a response or reaction wasn’t even necessary. He just wanted to be heard fully and completely and acknowledged for it without any response from his mom.

Later I learned my daughters felt the same. This left me feeling as if I was never to be heard and I had no say in any matter at all without them feeling as if I was one over them.

Frustration for years surfaced and often still I am reminded, we all want to be heard, a response is not always necessary or needed and a reaction is always best left beyond the shadows.