
The battle is up to you, the war is within you!


There will be a love you cant explain

A loss you’ll have to navigate through

There will be joy in abundance

Choice will shake and shutter your courage

Investigate strategies of the heart

Feel the silence in the art

Create a way to where no words are forced

Where flow is adapted with grace

May the quiet moments of loss strengthen not sabotage

Whispers will ride on every thought

Delivering calmness into the light

Mediate your emotions and allow grace and character to recite wisdom

Believe in the most beautiful miracles

Existence is not to be submissive


I heard a Roar

Letting go of an expected outcome will give you freedom to embrace a path of less resistance.


There will be a roar internally unveiling

A submergence of love never failing

A curiosity untangled gracefully into an adventure

Tiptoe through the tulips of existence

Dance as if you are one with a breeze

Unravel thyself out of assumption

Focus where depth meets infinite grace

Where eternal connection locks in your glance

Where doubt evaporates and belief is a never ending trance

There is always a war of two roars

A decision behind every door

A roar of immortal existence graces an unpaved path

Hunger is intrigued by a growing soul

Awareness awaits stillness

It is there arrival is met


I am hungry to grow, my soul is receiving at rapid speeds sometimes. I hear more and can’t write fast enough to get it all down.

Recently I have been practicing often the shaking off the garbage that the world leaves in my path and opening myself more to be a vessel of energy and Gods healing to move through me to others.

I learned a couple years ago when I pray not to use my own energy. As humans , our flesh wants to be in charge, to be the healer, the fixer, the one that will make the difference, so we invest all our energy and deplete our stores not knowing that grace is infinite, love is never ending, energy is abundant , it has no gauge telling you it is empty or full, that gauge we perceive is our flesh speaking.

When we offer ourselves as vessels to hold less shit (yes I swear sometimes) in and allow more space for grace and love to flow through, we then tire less.

Letting go of an outcome is where grace steps in, it is where we allow our will to arrive in awareness, that we are not the decision makers, we are not invincible.

We are radically transformed and given more than we want and everything we need when resistance and control are let go.

Faith is built within the gap (the space only you and God exist) where knowledge precedes with grace and purpose is embraced and love gives grace and rejuvenation gives energy space.