To love without the attachment of time is the definition of presence.

~Kerri Elizabeth~

In her heart she is still
Moved by love
She lays upon your own heart
Moving your anxieties into peace
She is loyal to her closest connections
She is fierce in her protection
Her honor and unwavering love, if compared to the largest mountain
Supersedes it’s existence beyond multitude
She stands with her side against you and demands your hand upon her
She is more beautiful than a million lillies in a valley
She is a healer
Send directly from the heavens
Her patience is beyond a butterfly bursting from its crysallis
She will wait in your space for her moment
You can not dismiss her importance by her patience
She is not shy to draw you to be present in the moment
She teaches that time is not a definition to love
To love without attachment to time is the definition of presence
