
In the stillness you will hear!



It seems the stillness is where everything is found

Where movement comes alive

Where the waves crashing tell a story

Where the leaves dance and sing with glory

Where the birds soar with intension 

Where pain and joy have no tension

Where love remains throughout

It seems in the stillness is where everything is found

Where feeling is in the beat of your heart

Where your mind sinks into a rational peace 

It seems that in the stillness is where everything is found 

When your lost, be still, you will hear the whisper

Be still it is where everything is found



In my stillness I can feel the intensity of all that moves around me. I can feel my heart beating and my chest rising. I can almost see with inner eyes the blood flowing through me.  I can see the pain in another eyes and wonder is that the reflection of so much more to be healed within me?

Where you are calm you will hear, where you are still you will know, where you find peace, love will grow.

Your body is already speaking to you, it wants more or less of something, it may be in pain, or sickness or anger has driven a wedge between you and stillness. Sadness may be filled with joyful gestures to cover up the feeling we can’t seem to shake and loss may be settling in your bones with numbness you can’t seem to touch.

What if all of this is ok and what if all of this is the beautiful process we need to become our truest version of ourselves. What if who you are right now is exactly who you need to be ,to become who you want to be. What if every step from this space is a step forward into the acceptance, it is the process. It is the falling apart that requires us to heal.



It is during the climb where you gain strength, then at the horizon you learn, you have to go down, the peaks will vary and so will you, it is in the infinitely divine strength no wavering will be build in you.

~Kerri Elizabeth~

Over and under
Around and around
Abound, rise up, decide
Reflect your light
Time doesnt wait
Wait not for time
Change occurs
You’ll endure
You’ll fall and then stand tall
Shoulders back
Make an impact
Life is a gift
It comes and then it goes
Unwrap your soul
Free your spirit


Paved Direction

Direction is paved by a recipe that continues to create new and inspired editions!
-Kerri Elizabeth-

To be lost in a shadow of expectation

Beyond the raging sounds of grief and pain

To be driven in the people mover of life habits

Crashing into the silence with a broken halo

A melody starts to fuse into scars and cracks

Alive with desires

Inspired and rewired

Tears well from the depths

Eternity defines forever

Fall into love

Allow the might haves

Should haves

If only I could haves

To be rewritten into a grateful affirmative recipe

A philosophical delight

Love will pave and upgrade the recipe of your life


The recipe to our life has already been created. We try new things, we have relationships that work or don’t. We fall in love and we fall in pain, we rise in love and we rise out of pain.

One thing I have experienced is the beauty of surrender. Sometimes my feisty and fierce stance on something will get the best of me, it will teach me, throw curbs my way and ultimately it will show me my own reflection I must face.

It’s easy to blame to point a finger to let loose with frustration and to forget as you do that you are solely responsible for your own actions and words. No-one makes you say something but they can provoke a response that pokes a triggered emotional feeling that has been lodged and not set free.

This is our opportunity to surrender, to first show love, to be love and to create more love in the reaction and direction of our experience.

This does not mean we must cater or supply our love to someone without good intention. This is where Gods love is infinity provided, this is where tapping into the infinite source of love is critical, where there is turmoil there is still a flow of love that over rides and heals.

It is our responsibility and choice to be open to this love and allow our lives to be a conduit not a store room with limited capacity, to share the love energy carries.

Taste a rainbow, dance in the rain, jump up to the moon and believe that all pain has a place where love flows over, through and into the cracks and crevices of experiences.



Un-done-ness provides an opportunity and continuation to grow, an inevitable ever changing and re-arranging!

~Kerri Elizabeth~


Healing occurs in the un-done-ness

Nothing is done where healing and growth continues

Fire and winds

Inevitable change within

Detours arranged

Subconscious awaits


Whispering below the surface

Change me and rearrange me

Scatter emotional ashes like dandelion wishes in the wind

Transform weaknesses into strengths


Where epiphanies await



Un-done-ness is life, no matter what we figure out, where do we start and do we finish? It is all the foundation of a place you continue to grow. It is all you know, all you experience all that un-done-ness….. the beginning with no end… a continuation to evolve from every situation.

It is inevitable to change, we experience and learn from the changes or miss the opportunities it gave us in the deciding “I’ll never change, I am who I am and I’ll never change for anyone”.

It isn’t for anyone, its for everyone, we share this earthly place!

It is the resistance or control we hold (not to change)….. a resistance to inspiration we may not be able to reach or hold, a lack of worthiness inside us that holds us hostage from bravery and courage to be more than we are today.

Take a look at the world and what moves you. Being uncomfortable allows us to learn things we never would and always choosing where we think we most thrive limits our opportunities to grow.

Thriving doesn’t just happen where we feel bliss, it exists in the unknown or continuation (actually more so), in the un-done-ness, the stage to dance and the opportunity to be more than we are today, to add new steps with familiar steps and create more. Turn the music on and sing, dance and connect to the changes that re arrange us!

“NOT”, changing for anyone means YOU too!





Behind the Door

It is behind the closed door we hold more, where you must go to grow!

~Kerri Elizabeth~

Behind every door
Infused within a universe
Daring to overcome
Darkness and light sword fight
Equilibrium emerges,” I exist ”
Whispering quietly , “persevere”
Shed every tear, happiness and fear
Untangle the emotional trance
Perhaps destiny is in your hands
Possibility says
Its perfectly planned

Feel it to heal it!


It is behind our closed doors we must go to grow. In order to heal you must open the doors to the pain and rearrange the perception to change. Letting go and allowing awareness in, behind the closed doors is where healing begins.

It is the masks worn to cover our authentic selves that we must rip off, the doors unhinged and flown off, the core must be strengthened, held up, encouraged, unashamed and untamed , risk must enter in growth.

Some will approve, some will judge, some will leave you , some will love you, some will share and some will dare you, challenge you and arrive for you, and you will do the same to and for them.

Ultimately it is in the courage to reveal and unmask and be YOU that reveals  each other…

When you are in the space of an others growth cycle, you will grow too or you will stay behind the closed doors waiting, instead of arriving together.

Where there is more than one, as training in any sport, you encourage one another to arrive at the finish line even when its at different points. As long as your all training, you all will arrive.

When you close your inner doors, when your stubborn and proud of that trait you will not arrive at the same finish line or gate. It is up to the team you choose to enter into the starting gate, to train and get to the finish line together, to encourage, to share, the enlighten to be aware, to connect, to reflect, to agree, to disagree, to hurt, to laugh, to cry to deny, to learn, to grow, to continue to move and not let go of the reasons why you want your team to win.

Thank you to my Oldest daughter Brandee today for her love and sharing her own lessons in life and for inspiring  the continuation of this lesson inside of me.



Drizzled Color

Grow forth from your roots and reach for the stars, nothing in-between can  tatter or scar the core of who you are!

~Kerri Elizabeth~


Bloom into the love you were meant for
Open and color will drizzle a painting upon your heart
Petals one by one come alive in the sun
Grounded and synced with earths love
Grow and reach from the soil to the stars
Extensions of leaves will balance beliefs
Roots will hold you tight
Cheering as you take flight
The sky is within reach
Stretch to the sun 🌞



I learned this last few years , grounded does not mean where you live, who your with or why your there. To me it showed me grounded meant the willingness to connect. Connection to the core and roots of who I am, grounded means to listen to your heart, your soul, your body when it says it hurts or its cold, feels unloved or needs to be held. Connection to what you feel, the emotion that rushes through you and says,” I want attention, I need you, I want to love you and be here for you”, will you listen?

Grounded means the ability to connect to your core truths, hear your intuitions and follow them, leave doubt behind and follow the heart , the pain, the migraine, the body pains, what is it telling you?

It is there FOR YOU, it’s your own private novel of truths about how YOU as an individual work. It is your manual everyone says they wish they had. YOU DO, ITS YOU!

Natures Seduction

In nature the solution is always waiting for your attention.

~Kerri Elizabeth~

The seduction of mother nature
Overflowing in emotions
Unraveling in storms
Challenging foundations
Fires reshaping hills
Floods restructuring bridges and roads
Earth whispers and stillness is surrendered
Rebuild me
Change is inevitable



It is in your heart you will know immediately and then doubt will shake your ground, doubt is not a language of the heart.

~Kerri Elizabeth~

The sky in the lake
Tells a story on the one year anniversary of my sons departure to the heavens

July 30th, 2018

The Subconscious treasures of emotions and knowledge waiting to be set free
Unlocked and transformed into eternity
Reflection is presence “Momma”, my boy whispers, “when you feel loss, look into the water”
Travel deeper into the reflection and engage in the emotion as an adventure
Swim through the colors and the emotions with wonder
Let it shake you inside like thunder
Drop your tears into my hands
Its holds the reflection
You’ll see is ALWAYS me

It will set you free