In our most authentic place is where we trust enough to fall and rise!


Happiness shines like the sun

Joyous is in the grass that tickles your toes

Courageous rides on the fluffiness of a cloud

Fearing not the unknown

Grace will slide down rainbows and sing out loud

Tears will create lakes where mermaids are found

Stars shake sprinkles in the sky

Falling in love with the Most High

Rock me and sing lullabies

I will trust in you, there are no goodbyes

Reflection, show me my image from God’s eyes

Let beauty build forth from the inside

I pray puppies chase my giggles and sleep by me at night

Leaping into wiggles as if in full flight

Laughter ruffle feathers on a porcupine

No feathers on a porcupine, you say

Ridiculous play

Must a porcupine say, I have no feathers today

In its actions you’ll know

If a feather falls upon you just so


It is in my daily life I see the masks we all wear to try to find where we belong. We laugh at jokes we don’t understand, we go to jobs that build anothers dream. We get stuck in a place our worth is defined by another.

ANYTHING less than our authentic selves serves no one other than our scars.

Courage is when we trust ourselves to trust GOD to break us free from the wonder if the person beside us has feathers or quills that will bind us.

Warrior wounds tell our story, the quills will fly no matter how fast or how high you dive. You will struggle and you will get hurt, if you didn’t you would never know the difference between a porcupine and a bird or a puppy and a wrong turn.

Thats why Christ died, so you had a chance to rise when you fall!