Human Design


In the letting go, you’ll find, holding on was just a design leading you back to letting go!


In the heat of the day
The sun pours its radiance upon you
Reminding us we don’t need anything to shine
The rays carry the breeze effortlessly
Filling your lungs to capacity
Offering sustained healing
Creating space to shine
Nature is where harmony lives
Peace is what nature gives



Being lead into nature is always the calling on my soul, where I find my center, where I ground myself and find peace and letting go is always the process. I realize that life is just that, a continuation of letting go. It’s designed that way, a continual trial and error and learning and growing. 

Reaching your best is part of reaching your worst and allowing yourself to know the difference. To choose your destination and your attitude, to find solutions under the sun and give yourself the grace you need to get there.




In the stillness you will hear!



It seems the stillness is where everything is found

Where movement comes alive

Where the waves crashing tell a story

Where the leaves dance and sing with glory

Where the birds soar with intension 

Where pain and joy have no tension

Where love remains throughout

It seems in the stillness is where everything is found

Where feeling is in the beat of your heart

Where your mind sinks into a rational peace 

It seems that in the stillness is where everything is found 

When your lost, be still, you will hear the whisper

Be still it is where everything is found



In my stillness I can feel the intensity of all that moves around me. I can feel my heart beating and my chest rising. I can almost see with inner eyes the blood flowing through me.  I can see the pain in another eyes and wonder is that the reflection of so much more to be healed within me?

Where you are calm you will hear, where you are still you will know, where you find peace, love will grow.

Your body is already speaking to you, it wants more or less of something, it may be in pain, or sickness or anger has driven a wedge between you and stillness. Sadness may be filled with joyful gestures to cover up the feeling we can’t seem to shake and loss may be settling in your bones with numbness you can’t seem to touch.

What if all of this is ok and what if all of this is the beautiful process we need to become our truest version of ourselves. What if who you are right now is exactly who you need to be ,to become who you want to be. What if every step from this space is a step forward into the acceptance, it is the process. It is the falling apart that requires us to heal.


Inquire Within

Trust is developed from how you inquire from within!


Dare to live with a curious inquiring from within
Believe in something you’ve never known
Trust in your heart with out questioning the mind
How many petals do you need to land on “love me” to believe it
Renew your spirit and polish your curves
Surround yourself in natures lights
And rest into the darkness of the glowing night


Trust is not broken from another action, unless we define it that way.  Once someone wrongs us, we stay within that action and own it and live it, losing trust and limiting our love for life and our ability to connect with others.

If we hold that wrong, we then continue to give power to the wrong and the person we feel that did it. In the process of healing I found there also has to be a letting go of distrust and caution to a point you are limiting your own life.

Live with freedom and send back any bad energy to the person dealing it. The minute you decide to give yourself permission to interact within a negative space you take that energy on as your own.

Sender wins and the loss of trust is now building from within.

If it’s being delivered negatively it’s not yours, breathe and physically move your arms in a way that you can mentally, emotionally and physically remove and send it back to sender.

DONE, move out of their energy space, build trust within yourself, this is where defense is dropped. When we respond in defense we have already lost, defense is guilt, a place within we lost trust.

Believe in something you never have…… example might be believing that 10 deep breathes before you respond will save you a rollercoaster of reactions.


Authenticity in Clarity

Clarity is where authenticity shows!


In the random coverings of our deepest truths
Under layers of emotions, doubts and unstill fears
The covering floats, moves and allows us the process to adjust
Temporary rest requires a respectful gathering of truths
A clearing of what no longer serves you and thickens the plot of emotional chaos
Adjust your movements to free space in the gallery of of your anatomy
Movement, adjusting, creating, reaching and trusting
This is not the covering but the infinite source of possibilities
Adjust your cover and move into the light


I have noticed so many times that when clarity is ruffled and blurred, authenticity is in the shade. There is no point of reference, it is all chaos. First there must be a restful stillness to see and feel your truths clearly. Then there is a letting go of all that is not truth, this requires movement to clear space and allow the light to shine in.

When the light is not shining in, there is an urgency, be still and allow the gathering of truths to shift and move all else out.

Dance , move, stretch, write, sing, paint and get out into nature, breath and find gratitude in your own heart beating.


It is in the essence of life treasure is held and in the heart where it is felt.

Brokenness tears down walls
Freed in the midst of unjust ways
Through struggle and through doubt
Chained to pain
Drugged by societies vanity
Judgement is owned by questioned sanity
Strained by grief
Needing relief
Searching the halls for secret walls
Where is the escape route
Then brokenness lead the way
The walls perceived, were only a belief
Brokenness rumbled through every crack
The inner echoes shattered like glass
The kingdom has no walls
No halls that echo our calls
It is the freedom of creation
The divine wireless call above it all
Get back up and stand tall
The kingdom has no doors
No ceiling, no floors
It’s infinite and more
It’s every sunrise and every storm
It has no chains
Other than the ones we create in discouragement and shame
Courage and Joy


It has been in my deepest pains I became chained.
I found that within the walls of my own doubt, I denied myself, I built a Kingdom within that was not what Gods plan was when Grace spoke, the kingdom of God is within.
I visualized a palace, a castle per se, with brick walls and long halls, darkness at times, emptiness and isolation closed in .
I had no escape route it seemed, I didn’t even realize I had done that until one day on my morning walk with God and my dogs, I was stopped in my tracks.
With the sun shining in the morning glare everywhere, where the mist laid on my skin and the clouds remained on the horizon again.
I GOT IT!!!!!
I felt God…………. WITHIN is NOT with walls and halls, there are no bricks and mortar and bridges to cross.
Within is open like nature, full of views and the freedom to move, it is not entrapment my child with doors and corridors, it is not the perception you created to protect your fears.
It is in the wilderness of pain your joy is found, release the chains, brokenness is simply an openness to recieve.
The chains fell off and the walls fell down and the castle I built that held my grief, my anger and my doubt had no where to be stored and I ran out of rent to pay the bill for the storage unit I built.
Phillipians 1:12-26 ,Thank you Paul for your words today confirming COURAGE is without SHAME and with God I will remain!