Essence of Wonder


Photo credit/Kerri-Elizabeth

Wonder never arrives but instead travels continually through the wilderness with curiosity.


Let surprise arrive and undertake a search to be alive

Leave adaptation to the conquerer of familiarity

Wonder emerges from the agitation of curiosity

Undertaking possibility and rupturing normalcy

Been there done that is invalid and unjust to wonder

Create insatiable contemplation into experiencing a jolt

It is in the expedition into wonder new ideas form

Create a new experience from the wonder outside of complacency

Walk into the forest of wonder and become the essence



When we allow ourselves to become complacent into normalcy and arrive only into adaptation, we never experience more than that. Where is the curiosity, the wonder, where can we find it? Do you want to?

I am naturally driven to wonder, why, how, when, where and how far I can unfold myself and add new pages of information, continual growth is driven by my wonder to learn more, to know more, to experience more, to stretch my capacity and strengthen my wonder.

Infinity is beyond a complacent structure where wonder oozes through the brokenness of life. ~Kerri-Elizabeth~