The Pace Inside


The pace inside is based on our own courage to surrender the entangled knots inside to the stillness that knows no time or restraints!

~Kerri Elizabeth~

Perpetual perseverance
Demands its authority
Appearing through emotions
Tears overflow integrated and entangled
Happiness, sadness and surrender have no separation
Inevitable movement continues
“Stop please”, I ask, “just for a moment”
“Slow down, I dont want to miss a second”
The ocean responds, ” I am ”

There are times inside the chaos and the history of trauma and our pasts get so knotted up inside we can not feel the stillness, there is a lack of movement and oxygen.

When I get to this place I always realize I am holding my breathe, not trusting and worrying about things I can not control. Then a dilemma, when I decide and realize what I can change, often it’s not what I want to change.

This brings anxiety and it all starts to overflow and tears come like a dam that just broke. It is inevitable, emotions will move, our lives move, our bodies move, our lungs take in and let out air, movement. Our hearts beat, our blood moves, our world continues and the pace inside must find a way to courageously let go and flow with peace and stillness.

Stillness is not without movement. This is a term set out to teach one to stop and feel what is moving without additional purposeful movement, such as the heart and lungs, and our blood flowing.

Meditation and body position invite courage to surrender giving room for oxygen to change the chemistry of the emotion and anxiety to freedom.

This is a lifestyle not a quick fix…



Wherever you are there is a silence inside where peace resides, witness it, visualize it and surround it with love, protect it, feed it, love it, nurture it and know, it’s created just for you, it’s always there, no one can step in or out, it’s just for the champion in you to arise from.


Witness yourself

In alignment

Climb deliberately into this silent space

Surrounding yourself in light

A champion in flight

Arise into the vision


Mother natures precision

Birds singing, freedom to fly

Open sky

Red rock rivers flowing by

Grass shifting

Sun shining

Heart open

Mind clear

With the peace that faces fears

I am a champion
