What do you see?

Are you someone that sees more of what’s ahead than what’s in front of you?

Balancing seeing ahead and being present are all part of loving every moment too…..right?

This path is one with many twist and turns, healing and failing, falling and bouncing, looking up and down and side to side wondering in moments , are you really present or dreaming ahead.

All are necessary and all require you to be there, just because your dreaming ahead doesn’t mean your not present, it means your presently dreaming ahead.

The most important part is, are you aware that’s what you’re doing? There is where presence requires more of you.

So dream ahead with intention.

Feel at a depth that grows you.

Receive at a depth that knows you.

Learn at a depth that shows you.

Believe at a depth that restores you.

And love every moment that calls you, just be aware of how long you visit.

Do you think you spend more of your day aware or going through the motions of life more unaware?

Can you share your thoughts on this?

Adventure within the gaps

Are you scheduling your time to serve your purpose and goals?

When organization of time is left to chance , chance will win.

Some days there are interruptions, distractions and things just don’t happen to schedule, however the organization of time allows you to start to feel a pace set, overwhelm starts to disappear and organization begins to lead you to your goals.

Are you getting up a little earlier to give yourself time to reflect on your day ahead with intention and purposefully going into each appt. and goal for the day with presence , or are you thinking about the 100 things you need to do?

Journaling to release the ideas and thoughts that are circling your mind and causing overwhelm will surprise you while gratitude even on the worst days.

“Write It” To reclaim your power… thoughts become ideas , ideas become goals and goals become clear when you journal.

Do you journal daily, weekly or at all?

What time is your favorite time to reflect and write?✍️

Just a reminder my book “Write It “ by Kerri Elizabeth … is available on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles and makes a wonderful gift.

Focal Point

Have you ever had a disagreement with someone while you’re looking at the exact same thing and both of you see it completely different or you both hear something and hear it completely different?

How can that can even be possible, you’re looking right at it, or hear it clearly and so do they.

Have you ever continued to disagree, trying to convince the other person your point of view or look at them like they lost their noodles, feeling your adrenaline rushing as you’re trying to make them see and hear and feel what you are, needing it as if you need air for that moment?

Frustration , misunderstanding, different interpretations and now a full blown meltdown you can’t get them to understand or see what you see. Rejection sets in, abandonment, turmoil inside is triggered and love is left behind by emotions you had no idea where there.

Over time and through growth and experience the solution is found, seen, worked on, you’ve now come to a place these things just don’t bother you, until one day it shows up again……

How do you react or respond ,not to the other person, but to YOU?

Our reactions and responses are purely from our own point of view, we have to make room for change, recreating , healing and intentionally wanting to be a better version of ourselves , while leaving room for others to do the same, “Write It” and you’ll see.

Has this ever happened to you?

What Defines You

The titles and education were told would define you when you were younger, go to college, work for this company or that or you won’t amount to anything, you can’t do that it’s not realistic, you shouldn’t do that it’s not who you are.

You need a title at the end of your name, you need to fix your hair this way and weigh this much. When you wear these clothes and cover this and show that you’ll be respected or not respected. Speak this way to that person and that way to this person. if you live here or there you’ll be treated this way or that way.

Learning who you really are and the defining have been passed down for ages. It’s takes courage to speak something different, to be different than what you’ve been told you are your whole life, should and shouldn’t come with shaming and create crevices of emptiness just waiting to be filled by your own strengths.

Learning what defines yourself comes in time, in bravery to learn your own language, have your own experiences, navigate your own way through emotions and decide under all the titles, including mother, father, sister, brother, adult child etc. who you are, with no titles .

How do you navigate between what you’ve been raised to think, believe and do without rebelling against it in pure determination to be something different in pure spite that often ends you up even deeper into someone else’s definition of you. You”re kicking and screaming to the world your NOT that while you become that even more.

Clearing the fog off your lenses takes work so you don’t continually end up in someone else’s definition repeatedly.

“Write It”, write to reclaim your power, journaling your process clears the view , your blueprint created for you and the one you want to create for yourself takes work and takes time , it’s takes effort, it requires strength and determination, patience with yourself and understanding from yourself and others.

Does this resonate with you, or is it just me?


You are more than what you thought defined you!


I am more than the child that grew up with fight or flight emotions and feelings

An imposter lived here, a fearful, unready and unwilling part of me

In control of nothing but wanting to control everything

Living in a darkness of the world

Running into it at the same time I was running away from it

Religion captured me and gave me a safe box to live in for years

“Oh,” God is very real to me, but religion is no longer a vice 

That box got smaller as experiences got bigger and it didn’t make sense to live there anymore

I couldn’t breathe

I couldn’t talk

I couldn’t move

I couldn’t escape the judgment of what I was told I needed to do and not what my deeper self was calling me to do

I was screaming inside for years

As if I was watching myself from a distance, I observed so much confusion and pain

Filled with insecurities grounded in shame and blame that I could never do enough to erase

What I faced was the habit energy

The energy that was continually lived in fight or flight , over compensations, under compensations and so much more

While smiling and living I was also dyeing

I was raising kids while raising myself

I was married while not even understanding what that required

I lived small because small seemed bigger than what I felt capable of handling at times

I lived on others terms because I had no idea life had terms I had the power to make

I knew deep within there was more

I knew deep within I had more

I chose more of myself many times, to then allow doubt to loosen my grip

I had no idea how to break through to that next place

Disapointing others while listening to my own calling was like climbing Mt. Everest with no training

That’s when I realized it was going to mean I had to disappoint myself

It all required me to re-train myself

I had to change my story and I was going to have to reject the current narrative and disapoint myself by announcing I was more than the skin I had lived in all these years

That would seem like a milestone in gratitude to many, however it meant to me, I had to invite part of myself to move out

I had to leave behind the blame, the shame and the rejections not just of my own but from others

I now could give myself safety

I now could stand strong for me

I could say I mattered

I could say NO

I now could disapoint another to show up for myself, knowing that the disappointment was their journey and I had no business fixing it

I had to thank the space and move away, bless it for the experiences and lessons and leave it behind

It wasn’t supposed to become me, it was suppose to teach me

It did

At the exact time it was suppose to

It happened in loss

It happend in change

It happened in pain

It happened in tears

It didn’t happen with joy or laughter

It happend when I felt no hope

It happend when I was empty

When I was my most challenged

It happened in anger

In rejections

It happened in misunderstandings I had to let go of and allow the teaching of it

It happened in letting go of people I thought would never leave

It happend in the learning of how to have a relationship with my son from the heavens, instead of in the physical presence

It happened in sickness

It happened in the lowest times, the hardest times, the most doubtful times

It is still happening and I understand that these times are never to be wished away , but to be observed with new insight

To look into pain and to ache while you smile is part of life’s best and most insightful journeys to success

Happiness is a foundation that requires remodeling continually



Intention Meets Wonder

May you adventure with an open heart and wonder with intension.


Wondering down hidden paths
Where surprise and adventure seek to heal
Sorrow and pain often revealed
Dancing with emotions under the blue sky
Taking courage by the hand , not asking why
Allowing grace to fill the space
Where words have become chatter
Quiet intension always awaits with patience


New beginnings are daily

It will be up to you to adventure the gaps in time where change is waiting.


A new beginning … the choice is available daily

However ,often it is saved for the beginning of a new year

The past has fallen away as you have slept and dreamed yourself into the present

May your dreams waiting to be fulfilled have a clear path to so many grand tomorrows

Allow forgiveness to thrive within your heart with valuable insights

An invitation from the core of a happy peaceful existence meets you face to face

Honor your deepest growth and spend moments under the stars and chasing waterfalls

Let go of the “what and who was “ to see your brightest days

Often the pain of letting go comes with what we think others will feel by our changes

Growth is a choice for all and you will never please everyone and often not even the ones you intent to please most

Keep growing anyways… that’s where your strongest self is
