Heart in Motion




Our heart already knows what our mind has not yet disclosed.


In the randomness of life emotions are often spontaneous

We feel from a heart in motion

Rapid change can prompt a rapid heartbeat

Our inner compass and weather changes without warning

Breathing is treated as a novelty

Until breathing is done with awareness

Our bodies shivers to alert our temperature

Gratitude alerts hope

Pain alerts fight or flight

All of this alerts action

Straight to the heart of it all

Nurture your heart like you’d nurture the tears of a child

Breathe into your life, with heart



When we master the awareness in our alert systems and the timing we take action, we then have less reaction and more action.

Place your hand upon your heart and navigate through a flow of emotionally filled words and thoughts that fill you up, that nurture you’re well being. What would you say to a friend you are nurturing? This may help you return that same encouragement also to your own heart.

Did you know that every change in emotions makes changes in your body that last longer than the emotion. Like building a muscle may leave pain for a couple days, the same is true of emotions, both rejuvenating and depleting. They last and they will either drain or revive us.

We can not control every action around us but we can learn to create a healthier space within ourselves to see the actions around us with a directed gratitude and compassion to our heart for alerting us.



Down every narrow thought there are holes illuminating truths!
~Kerri Elizabeth~

Within is not where noise begins

It is the un-grounded choices we choose to persist in

A river does not stop and wait

A waterfall continues to flow

Without wondering energy will come and go

Mountains reside without a moment to decide

Lakes reflect the boundaries of nature surrounding

Our thoughts will flow when we persist in letting go

Noise begins where we let it in

Getting stuck on a thought and we’re trapped in

Choice is our freedom to make a change

Noise inside is an aftermath we design

Protect your space where calmness is aligned


Being calm can be an absolute, a decision to live where your space is aligned with calmness inside. We are NOT created with chaos inside, it is an outside element we decide to invite in. We get stuck in it when we persist and continue on. Even after its gone and done a choice is given to move on and we design a reason to hang on.

Let go and thank your mind, for thinking exactly how it is designed. It is built to think to create ideas, to ask, to find the whys. Thank your mind when you get stuck in a thought (thank you for that thought now lets move on) let it flow through.

Don’t persist on the ungrounded thoughts that keep you stuck, let go and give room to what’s ahead.

Thank you, let go and flow through the thoughts that are driven in from the outside and get stuck within. The chaos of our mind is created when we lose track of the creation where Love is aligned.

Complexity and Truth Rival


Complexity will show up as a blueprint defining you and your direction, truth will show up and unravel complexity!

~Kerri Elizabeth~

Truth escapes complexity

Uncovered, unmasked and unhidden

Meaningfulness demands authority

Consolidate emotions and thoughts deliberatly

Undefined by rejection, opinion or judgement

Truth and complexity will rival for mindset

Arrival and appearance are never delayed

Truth escapes complexity

When love has unconditional longevity


One of many lessons that have impacted how I see, feel and live my life. Love must have unconditional longevity to escape complexity. Where there are boundaries , conditions live, rejection and judgement reside and live inside.
Having the rules and boundaries defined and written for your family, career or marriage certificate does not exempt your life from complexity. It is the lack of courage to live in our deepest truths and thoughts, afraid we will be rejected, abandoned or fired that create so many rules we leave no room for growth.

I have heard it all, rules are meant to keep you on track, to add order, stability, protection and define a life you can follow like a dot to dot. Don’t go outside the lines or consequences and punishments will be handed out. Sure we learn from this, sure I believe we need it all to learn. However, the consequence resides already inside, the punishment goes hand in hand with the action.

It is in the awareness in the process of making your own mistakes and having an opportunity to grow naturally rather than forcefully and loved unconditionally that gives us inspiration to continue to grow.
It is not in the order or rules, boundaries and confines of ourselves or others ideas engineered in a dot to dot lifestyle that interest me.

It is in the awakening of our own consciousness and deliberate willingness to brave the elements and hear beyond it all that interests me.

The rest is a road map or a blueprint leading us all to the same place. Some of us are leaders and others followers, some manifest and some facilitate, some cry, some laugh, some process then react, some react then process, some support you and some will will transport you…..Some follow rules, some break rules, all have a purpose and all present change and all offer knowledge.

Do you believe in unconditional?

Do you think you live and love unconditional?

What are your thoughts on this?
