Embrace It

Embrace IT!


Embracing the moment in a very present matter is where time is never erased.What passes by in a glimpse and is not presently captured you will find, that time erases. Someone how it is not hardwired and the absence of the presence missed erases and can never be captured again.

This can be defined as regret or grief, we get stuck in a ,”what if”, or “should have” and “never did” and time is critically erased without memory of the details of the present moment that could have been captured and never erased. Be present and diligent to your spirits calling to notice Gods gifts around you and the gift of life and love that has been put into your presence.

Time can disappear or it can be captured by our hearts and lives in ways time is never erased.

Capture the moment!

Forever and More you Soar

“Nature you call on me with such a diligent perseverance and a sweet persistent whisper that runs through my veins and does not take no for an answer, JUST LIKE ZAK!”


This swim was for you my son……………October 31,2019

Happy 27 th Birthday forever having fun
No waiting
No contemplating
No wetsuit
No worries
No fears
Just courage to live
Just deep sorrow in loss
Just memories of your voice
Just knowing you’d say… “you’re crazy, thats freezing”
Just knowing you’d cheer me on, from the shore, laughing and pushing me to do more
Just knowing you’d talk about it for a lifetime
Just knowing it was a moment that created a memory, made me jump
I heard you
I saw you in the reflection of the waters face
I felt your embrace
I heard your heartbeat inside mine
I know you’re there, everywhere
I’m here too
In heaven and on earth
My only son
We’re still together
It is you, so I embrace this pain and this view


On October 31st every year I am reminded on a greater scale the life as my son here on earth is now a journey of emotions and questions and grief and sorrow and memories and heart strings that will forever be pulled and stretched.

I will never be the same, nor do I want to be. I wanted to send this out on his birthday but it has taken me this many days to do it. I write often shorter versions of my sunshine on Instagram before they hit this page. It’s often my leave a thought page at @Kerrissunshine.

Its been only two years and none of it gets easier for me, this year the pain was even deeper, reality sometimes sets in and digs a hole deeper than I can go at the time, so it waits for me. This is where swimming in any weather shakes me up, stands me straight, alarms my system, especially in the winter and gives me a much needed restart and brings me back to complete presence.

My mind, body and heart decided this year , it would be all about spending time with Zak, I couldn’t do anything if I tried unless it included Zak. So work was out and crying and swimming and getting a new tattoo on Zaks birthday has now become tradition.

Take the moments you need and make them what you need to heal, to reveal, to seal, to unveil, to really get present. TO REALLY FEEL TO HEAL!