Complexity and Truth Rival


Complexity will show up as a blueprint defining you and your direction, truth will show up and unravel complexity!

~Kerri Elizabeth~

Truth escapes complexity

Uncovered, unmasked and unhidden

Meaningfulness demands authority

Consolidate emotions and thoughts deliberatly

Undefined by rejection, opinion or judgement

Truth and complexity will rival for mindset

Arrival and appearance are never delayed

Truth escapes complexity

When love has unconditional longevity


One of many lessons that have impacted how I see, feel and live my life. Love must have unconditional longevity to escape complexity. Where there are boundaries , conditions live, rejection and judgement reside and live inside.
Having the rules and boundaries defined and written for your family, career or marriage certificate does not exempt your life from complexity. It is the lack of courage to live in our deepest truths and thoughts, afraid we will be rejected, abandoned or fired that create so many rules we leave no room for growth.

I have heard it all, rules are meant to keep you on track, to add order, stability, protection and define a life you can follow like a dot to dot. Don’t go outside the lines or consequences and punishments will be handed out. Sure we learn from this, sure I believe we need it all to learn. However, the consequence resides already inside, the punishment goes hand in hand with the action.

It is in the awareness in the process of making your own mistakes and having an opportunity to grow naturally rather than forcefully and loved unconditionally that gives us inspiration to continue to grow.
It is not in the order or rules, boundaries and confines of ourselves or others ideas engineered in a dot to dot lifestyle that interest me.

It is in the awakening of our own consciousness and deliberate willingness to brave the elements and hear beyond it all that interests me.

The rest is a road map or a blueprint leading us all to the same place. Some of us are leaders and others followers, some manifest and some facilitate, some cry, some laugh, some process then react, some react then process, some support you and some will will transport you…..Some follow rules, some break rules, all have a purpose and all present change and all offer knowledge.

Do you believe in unconditional?

Do you think you live and love unconditional?

What are your thoughts on this?


Surrendered to Change


Surrender to the flow of change, letting go is freedom, it isĀ inevitably happening for you not to you.

~Kerri Elizabeth~


Surrendered to this moment and day

Feeling every wave

Changed forever

Lost and finally found

Grounded in natures heartbeat

Experiencing intrinsic wonder

Winding winds weave through emotionally spread wings

Blue seems to cocoon the earth with new possibilities

Air and water sway creating a melody of passion

An awakening arrives

As times illusive hand has disappeared

Wrapped within the unlimited realm and unsevered space

In the Gap




It is in your heart you will know immediately and then doubt will shake your ground, doubt is not a language of the heart.

~Kerri Elizabeth~

The sky in the lake
Tells a story on the one year anniversary of my sons departure to the heavens

July 30th, 2018

The Subconscious treasures of emotions and knowledge waiting to be set free
Unlocked and transformed into eternity
Reflection is presence “Momma”, my boy whispers, “when you feel loss, look into the water”
Travel deeper into the reflection and engage in the emotion as an adventure
Swim through the colors and the emotions with wonder
Let it shake you inside like thunder
Drop your tears into my hands
Its holds the reflection
You’ll see is ALWAYS me

It will set you free