Daisy Love, sharing her knowledge,

I’m Daisy Love, I’m small and I’m the most loyal to my Mom. Although I love few and never many I like to watch many from afar and and I’m slowly learning to go where many have been and walk in crowds with confidence.

Sometimes my mom carry’s me because let’s face it, I need a little height now and then.

Some people tease me and think I’m acting like a tough one when I bark at them coming near. Let me tell you what’s really happening.

People move fast, going slow and meeting me where I’m at isn’t usually an instant reaction. I can see in people eyes they expect me to meet them where their at or their QUICK reaction is to call me unkind names and decide they don’t like me.

You know, “ankle biter”, etc.

Well recently my mom had an epiphany , she has an inner chihuahua, you see I have been teaching her like I try to teach others more about themselves and for some reason , slowing down enough to understand hasn’t been an easy one to teach. Humans expect and assume quickly usually and understand later.

That’s why they always say”if I knew now what I knew then” ,well slowing down would have taught you sooner. Just an observation from a little teacher.

So this lesson, let me get to the point…. My mom and her newly understood “inner chihuahua”… when something or someone moves too quick she immediately goes into fight or flight, guess which one kicks in first?

Which one is it for you?

When I showed her that she has the power to change her reaction, she would see more, feel more and understand more. Its not the chihuahua that’s scaring you, it’s your own reaction that scares you, fear is there to protect you, and teach you. (If your in control of your own state) however this is the catch.

Is your reaction a protection alert , or is it unresolved past reactions or programmed reactions holding you back from growth?

You see fear is usually planted and humans water there fear more then their plants.

Its just an observation, from your, “ inner chihuahua “ , you see, I chose my owner and she chose to see her reflection in me.

Slow down and meet me where I am, that’s where you will see me and possible YOU too!

Love, Daisy 💕 Love