Weekly Addition


The peaks and valleys are why you shine!

~Kerri Elizabeth~

And then…………….A quick change offered me my biggest challenge to rise from the reality of, “what was”, to “what will be”, and how to resonate again with a new perspective.

The changes and traumas whirled me around for 5 solid years, spinning me and challenging my greatest fears and failures and testing my depth and desires, not to mention my deepest intentions and truths, finances and emotional well being, to highlight a few.

I can tell you in a short version without creating a book of circumstances. The circumstances mean the world to me because I lived them, however, each person is individual.

I’m not here to tell you my way is the right way, it is a way. Sharing my techniques to healing on a daily basis, even in the middle of the traumas continues to help me heal as well.

I feel like I can start to share more deeply with you now, ask any questions you would like and feel free to share your thoughts.

This is not to say I have it all figured out.

What I have figured out is that I am enough and whole.

Action is very important and often misunderstood as just a mobile body, of course, this is true, however, the action comes in the process first of changing a thought, having a new perspective, a desire, and intent.

As important as a mobile body, a thought and emotion must be flowing in action, rather than sitting stagnant and festering toxic energy in your body. When the flow is not active it is a critically unhealthy atmosphere for healing, as we all know.

I have been in fitness and nutrition literally a lifetime, I started studying and learning long before I was a legal age to get certified. It is in my DNA to want the best for everyone and after 50+ years, for me too.

This letter is to awaken and create awareness to a weekly letter I will post in between my, “Sunshine” soul writing to share with you my favorite staples that gave me a foundation when I felt as if it wasn’t there.

Also to all the empty nesters, parents who have lost children, like me ( the heaviness and feeling lack of everything, good, bad, excruciating, painful and all the in-between) who lost literally a part of themselves, to the middle age blues playing in your head lost in the middle beautiful people, there is more!   

I love you, Sunshine

4 thoughts on “Weekly Addition

  1. Thank you Kerri for this beautiful post. Healing and heartfelt! I love the last paragraph:
    ‘Also to all the empty nesters, parents who have lost children, like me ( the heaviness and feeling lack of everything, good, bad, excruciating, painful and all the in-between) who lost literally a part of themselves, to the middle age blues playing in your head lost in the middle beautiful people, there is more!’
    So true, all of it.
    Thank you again for your beautiful writing.

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