Sacred Change

Every flower holds the petals until the petals let go!

~Kerri Elizabeth~

True sacrifice is within yourself

Acquiesced process of true wealth

Accountable in your unwavering truth

Standing in spiritual flow

Allowing obstructions to be moved to empower you in growth

The umbilical cord, created for a mother to give life

Then cut to release your purpose to take flight

Birthed from an inner embracing place

Offered into opportunity to share life in a larger place

Life sheds and rejuvenates the encompassing presence of ourselves

Revealing integration of our TRUTH

Losing our ego-self to our highest and most supreme love

Love is shown to be limitless when every circumstance represents gratitude

Love does not come and go but is obstructed only by what we know

Beyond presence is a surrendering of offense and defense to be navigated and inspired to love and order