Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know! Pema Chodron

A gift is to hear the rising of the morning.

The smell of fresh dew carrying the reflections of what surrounds it.

A gift is to feel the earthquake when your soul rumbles with fire.

And your heart beats with the adrenaline of passion to live.

When you know for sure letting go of defenses means your belief system is solid.

A gift is when letting go is a manifestation of transformation not disappearing.

When letting go and allowing the pain to pass is disassembling a pattern to reconstruct a new design.

A gift is to recognize that your destination is not determined by justification but appreciation.

A gift is criticism that opens the possibilities to change previous limits.

A gift is hearing others stories so not to be devoured by your own astonishment but humble in inspired growth.

A gift is knowing your happiness is directly reflected from the core of our your own radiance.

Escape the yearning desire to give away your happiness and instead illuminate your surroundings for others to see their own path.

Exhilaration and equilibrium integrate inspired balance to fall yet get back up, leap and risk infinite passion.

A gift is the awe moment you realize that feeling is whatever you choose the title to be.




Awe moments of elation downloaded into the cells of your description!

Kerri Elizabeth



In an awe moment the heart releases the vastness of elation.

The mind downloads the memories of persuasion.

Beauty shows through the eyes you no longer can conceal.

Hiding the sorrow that pushes your soul to its complexity is revealed.

The storm draws you into a trance.

Tomorrow it will have been another glance.

The only objection to life, is a posture lacking in light.

Raise your vibration to reach new heights.

Let your previous limits be just another chapter.

Allowing the story to unfold and new volumes to recapture.

Overflow with the curiosity of how a seed grows.

Exploring the capacity of more to know.

Melancholy will simultaneously exchange its place with grace.

Integrate love and freedom, it’s yours to embrace.

Walk With Less Resistance



There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.

Maya Angelou

In the dismantle and reconstruction of thoughts emerges new light.

Today I choose it all to be more than alright.

Interaction with existence in nature’s surrounding cradle my soul.

We are made whole.

Centering an emotion into a balanced presence invites transformation.

Allowing frustration to inspire inner creative articulation.

Be bold and alive in this quake that shakes your ground.

Let your fire inside be a light all around.

Root into the earth with fierce and determined emergence.

Ground your thoughts without disturbance.

Reach in and dare your heart to beat to the contrast of yesterday.

Raise your hands to the beauty of a new day.

Culminate new ways.

Dance to the vibration of the earth’s core.

Reach and touch more!

Sunshine on your magnificence.

An Emerging Persuation

It’s not about the answers that enlighten its about the questions.

A philosopher 



Rays of sunshine leave limbs of wonder streaming onto the ocean’s surface.

Struck by the power of light the ocean reflects an illumination beckoning consciousness.

Comprehension of perceptual experience signify existence.

Risk to reach for the stars and transcend into beauty elude me.

The very flame of fire that ignites the soul is the addiction to possibility.

Be risky in your indulgence of life.

Merge into the the mind blowing fusion of nature’s infinity and persuasion.

Let there never be an ending to the symbolism of infinite wisdom.

Allow art and character to be intervals into creation.

Be a junkie to what moves you and emerge into a devotional of inner curiosity.

Listen to waves crash and purge freedom.

Clouds dance applying their own choreography to meet your soul.

Completion is an invitation for creative flow, not a stop sign to power.

Awareness of this epiphany internally transcends this moment and offers freedom to inspire more.

Sunshine into a moment that took my breathe away.

Let It Go

Do not be denied the depth you must feel to let it go.

Kerri Elizabeth


When tears flow and healing pushes you to grow.

Let it go.

When you want to scream releasing what’s held inside.

Let it go.

When your heart is calling you to move through and don’t hide.

Let it go.

When you resist the truth and live in fear.

Let it go.

When you know what to do and your hearts telling you to.

Let it go.

When someone needs you to be other than you.

Let it go.

When you feel the need to defend yourself.

Let it go.

When today is a new day and you want to play.

Let it go.

When your smile wants to own your face and your arms can embrace.

Let it go.

When standing up for you starts to change what is true.

Let it go.

When anger rises up and you’re anxiously ready to give up.

Let it go.

When it’s time to make a change and your choice is to remain.

Let it go.

When you want to be free from what’s holding you captive inside to see.

Let it go.

Let your light shine!

Let it go.

Let your smile shine through.

Let it go.

Let your voice be heard.

Let it go.

Let your radiance captivate the earth.

Let it go.

Let it all go until the layers peel away to your soul.

Let it go.

It is in the depth of her that love is revealed.

It is in the freedom to “BE” where growth is not concealed.

Do not deny love or pain, it is this depth where there is change.

To Be Calm and Still


To be calm inside is to feel the stillness even when the winds blow or the sun glows.


In the calmness of my heart the river of love flows.

In the calmness of my mind the sunshine glows.

In the stillness of my body, I feel the whisper of the wind.

In the gap between now and then I feel the moment I’m in again.

In the flow of the day I can say, no one will ruin what I feel today.

In the worry of yesterday, I lose my today.

In the plans of tomorrow I can say, those things may change on the way.

I used to spend my day figuring out everyone else’s way.

Then someone said to me, “how many hours do spend a day, helping others find their way?”

I love to help others along the way, especially my children; they have been my reason for each day.

Now I can teach them, that we can only give what we have, making sure I gain what I want to give is first my responsibility while I live.

Complaining about what you don’t have is only time spent away from decisions you must have.

Waiting for someone else to lead your way is letting go of yourself and the only way that ultimately gives you freedom in your day.

Make a stance for your own life and expect there will others that will stomp there feet to the beat of their own defeat.

Your energy goes where your thoughts go, what you think of most grows the most.

Are your thoughts where you want growth or are they where you want change the most?

Sunshine on your day!

Is it You or In You?


Smile, share, talk, walk, run, swim, sit, stand, go, stay, be, do, live, love, laugh, joy, insecurity, hatred, acceptance, fun, filled,limited or stuck, judged or judging, are you these things or are these things in you, one way can evolve and grow and the other will stay.

Kerri Elizabeth

Into the depth of our growth, there must be a tearing of fibers, a separation that yearns to draw contact back to a new and stronger connection.

As the muscle stretches to its capacity it is able to push just slightly past that in a calling to be stronger and faster.

Pushing past the comfort or the idea that this is all we can do is simply a personal limitation built from a support system that has been shared with us from others such as societies, systems, religions and labels.

We have been given permission to stop where we are at, to go back, to go forward, to stay in place, to think, to reflect, to gain, to lose, to love, to live, to laugh to give.

When the mind allows the connection to our thoughts to stretch beyond our given limitation we have chosen to own, the tearing of fibers is felt.

Our minds are stretched; our heart feels the fibers ripping to capacity, anticipating the unknown and delivering permission to hold up stop signs wherever we decide to put them, at a bend in the road, a long stretch or a standstill with more permission to stay longer there.

Our soul will often open and close to the made up fear of what may or may not be there, often challenging the partnership of heart, mind and spirit in a hurricane of internal chaos, holding us hostage from more.

The thought of more turns into an indecisive exchange of confusion between our thoughts creating the idea of good or bad, also leaving us idle to growth.

Change occurs in the letting go of another’s idea and allowing your own tearing of fibers to be your growth, to listen is not to own, to own is not to live, to live is not to be limited.

Capacity beyond our thoughts is infinitely available, there is no limit, no tearing of fibers is felt by just the notion we must feel pain to grow, what if growth and pain were one, what description would you choose?

Sunshine on your growth every day, where is your root system attached to and are you growing it or have you delegated it to employees of your heart mind and spirit at the cost you’re in debt scrambling to pay others?


Love IS and Always IS

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Love IS, without asking or denying, love is in the creation of life that never waivers on judgement or prejudices, it exists as it is, beyond your expectation.

Kerri Elizabeth

Love is more.

Love is the sun shining brightly and revealing color.

Love is the whisper of a tree in the wind, bending and bowing to the call of nature.

Love is the ripples on a lake, sending an electric charge of wonder without any expectation of your delight.

Love is the pine cone that drops to the ground to blanket the earth without cost to add warmth and offer new growth.

Love is in the rain that drops its presence in the mood and intensity it chooses without needing permission or discipline.

Love is in the rivers that flow through the lands showing purpose without a thought.

Love is in the stars and moon that need no arranging or fixing and offering an arrangement full of magical wonder and  imagination.

Love is the clouds that bring moisture and covering to the earth, never hearing from the sun,” can you go away or stop being what you were made to be”.

Love is in the depth of the ocean that holds an abundance of energy and life and surrounds it with landscape much like the arms of a  father or mother’s protection, giving it boundaries and support without defining it as separate or the same, large or small, fierce or passive.

Love is in the air that generously continues without ever needing approval, it just is.

Love is in the sea breeze that partners with exhilaration and offers us an opportunity to feel it or deny it and is never controlled by our presence, it just is.

Love is in the storms that create change and rearrange our surroundings, often perceived as destroying and challenging our perceptions of loss, life, material and emotional attachments, our strengths and our weaknesses without fear of rejection.

Love is in the mountains so brilliantly placed for purpose and intent, offering us the opportunity to climb, explore, reflect, grow, learn, rest, recover, feel excursion, build strength and create new thoughts, inviting us with its presence, never forcing or expecting you to see it.

Love is in the creation of life not in the judgement or expectations, success or failures, feelings or thoughts, ideas or perceptions, objections or compliments.

 Love is before, during and after anything is attached or detached, love is more than, love is and everything else is our own idea, changing, wavering, doubting, withholding, giving, receiving, rejecting, objecting, defence and judgement labelled good or bad or otherwise.

Love is always with no beginning or end, it IS.

Contemplate the depth of Sunshine that never stops shining just because you choose to.

Let It Flow To Grow


The streams flow is beyond what the eye sees, touch the legacy of the purpose it shows.

Kerri Elizabeth

Calmness and serenity play hide and seek with the ever amazing beat of my heart.

A feeling that has become one with a thought flowing smoothly like a stream over mossy rocks.

There is no sense or doubt it has a beginning or an end, it has become one with my soul at every bend.

As my soul awakens and my mind becomes more aware, the beat of my heart starts to invite truth or dare without the rush of terror there.

The mere awakening the stream never stops and the moss will never die in the exchange of life and the purpose it holds, opens up a mystery to unfold.

The stream does not lead the moss’s direction or tell it to stay or to grow, nor does it carry the responsibility of the moss’s flow.

The stream of emotions that flow, connect with a thought we often deny we know.

The visual and the sound we hear are part of the stream and flow in continuing to grow.

When seeing beyond the streams flow to the purpose it has there for us to let go, then we gain the freedom of heart and soul.

We live forever in the lessons we leave, in the love we show, in the path we clear for others to go.

It is not me or the stream that is the purpose of life, it is the life of the stream in you and me that leave the legacy for all to make a choice to see.

It is purely and purposely the flow of the stream that leave a legacy for more life to begin.

See beyond the words and the eye into the purpose of life and the depth our soul wants to fly.

The stream does not stop flowing when you enter into its knowing, a streams legacy of flowing is part of the purpose in knowing.

Shining sunshine without a shadow on courageously seeing beyond the eye to the source that gave us life.

The Wind Passes Up Ownership and Attachment And Continues To Flow

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When experiences can pass through like the winds, the wave, the storms and the falling of the leaves from the trees you  allow the molding and changing of life’s purpose now and let go of the attachment of yesterday.

Kerri Elizabeth

In the acceptance of all an ocean exists with life.

Waves roll in, they subtlety and often fiercely mold the shore and the shore never resists but instead rejoices and invites the beauty of change and forgiveness.

Sodium, invisible to the eye becomes one with the water perfectly, like cells to your body.

The shoreline so ready and inviting to the wave accepts and recovers as they are one in a partnership to life.

The tree rocks in the wind never asking the wind not to blow but instead is a partnership in the existence of what” is”, bending and often breaking, repairing and strengthening for its purpose.

Leaves fall and the tree still stands.

 New growth now has room to sprout and grow.

 New color drops onto the canvas of life without asking or demanding, without fear or fault, without judgement or jealousy, it just “is”.

When anger or pain blow in like a storm or even a subtle breeze,

 when hurt or suffering roll in like a wave,

 when rainfall comes and drips a beautiful reminder we can be transparent and uncovered,

when leaves fall and give room to new growth and remind us to let go,

when the contrast of color in the fall inspires change and remind us life’s journey is a canvas of color not  an eraser of courage and strength,

when the sunshine becomes a reminder, no shadow can exist on its surface and you are light,

when the night reminds you there is a time of stillness and calmness and it takes the place of fear and loneliness,

when a word of any kind takes flight like a bird flying south and there are not attachments to its belonging,

when a person’s actions become part of a play in the choice of theatres you choose to invest to take a seat in,

when you notice the tree is always a tree with ever changing shape and color,

when you notice the waves are always waves with always changing shape and size,

when you notice rain can come in many intensities,

when you feel the sun’s heat the closer you arrive,

When you’re aware and conscious you live.

Sunshine exists without a shadow.